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mndblwn's Blog

Opinions please!!!!!!!!!!!!

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DH does't have the best grammer or spelling. He communicates everything dealing with his ex to me and askes my help to respond to her roller coaster emails and texts. Shall I continue to be the one doing this because I'm better with my words?

Next shall I go on skid exchange to prevent BM pulling any crap over on DH? He doesn't really have a confrontation bone in his body. This meaning she can manipulate him like she always has until I came around.

Somethings Cooking with BM

mndblwn's picture

DH birthday weekend with skid when very well. skid seemed like he likes being home and constantly told his dad he loved him. Prior to this saturday BM got mad and DH for not being in a different town to make it easier for her to drop skid off. she snapped out and said she wasn't sending any school clothes it was all up to us. On saturday when the exchanged occured i wasn't there and my neighbor took my place. BM told DH happy birthday which is a total shock and a half. We emailed to clarify pickup and BM thought school started but she actually had another week.

In A Bind

mndblwn's picture

BM won't contribute to anything besides what ss6 sees her contribute to. She won't carry medical insurance because she doesn't have a paying job. She complains when we pay medical bills under our name in full to prevent her from messing our credit up. She will only pay hospital yet she can't even pay the bills that are in her name. Question is shall we just pay and not send bill to stop any drama from coming our way or stick it to her since she hasn't been in the picutre for last 4 yrs and causes grief once I was in the picture?

Dealing with Pure Evil

mndblwn's picture

ss6 has a heart condition in which he must see the cardiologist twice a year. DH has taken him every visit while BM has missed out on the last 3 yrs. This time since BM is back in the picture she is taking child to doctors visit. DH and I will be meeting her and her bf only (not fiance like she claims) there also so that DH can hear the prognosis. DH told BM that parents only should be with the child for visits. I already decided to stay in waiting room because rooms are too small for 4 people, child, doctor and intern.

Tax Question

mndblwn's picture

How does taxes work when joint custody is in place? BM is like the vacation home on weekends and half of summer. SS lives with me and DH for school. BM doesn't pay health insurance and RARELY pays her half of medical bills. If we pay in full she won't pay us. She does really provide clothing and only does majority of transporting for visits.

How shall we handle this? I feel we deduct ss each year because we do/provide more.


Medical Bills

mndblwn's picture

So....yet again we have another issue that BM has to cause drama and think it's her way or nothing at all.
Divorce decree states each parent must keep insurance on child and pay half of out of pocket expenses. BM has NO medical insurance on ss6 because when she divorced me DH they worked for same company, had same insurance so she let DH carry ss6. Well now she doesn't work for the same company yet claims DH insurance won't accept dual coverage. That is BOGUS. I carry ss on my insurance for dual coverage. That's number one.

Glad he's gone

mndblwn's picture

SS left with BM for the next month and a half yesterday. I'm very excited because me and DH very much need the time together to pull each other close again. It's been a rollarcoaster for our first year of marriage. BM and kid are a perfect match for each other. They are both lazy, want people to do things for them only and both spoiled by people that actually like them. I told DH that my biggest worry is that if this doesn't get better between me and skid then he will choose skid over me and then skid and BM will win the battle.

Talk with DH (Not Too Good)

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I had my talk with hubby about backing off with discipline and other issues with ss6. I said I would feed or clothe him and pay bills because it effects our finances but any discipline is his and spending time is his. If something makes me mad I will simply tell DH and he can handle it. My skid knows EXACTLY what he is doing at this house. BM spoils the snot out of him and she wants me gone so skid is more loyal to BM. She truly spoils him and is disneyland mom. No rules or discipline except when she is around us or someone then she acts like a real mom.

Done Being SM

mndblwn's picture

My ss6 started to tell DH that he tells BM about things going on in our house. Examples are that dad drinks beer, takes pills, sleeps naked and ran off the road with the truck. BM has asked ss if dad drinks beer or alcohol and takes pills or vitamins. What 6yr old knows the difference about any of those four things? SS told DH that he wanted to tell BM then it finally came out that she asked him some things.

Weird feelings

mndblwn's picture

My ss6 is a good kid for the most part. It's been him and DH alone for the last four years before I came along and BM stayed away doing her own thing until I was known. Ss6 is getting to see more of his BM which is great but the more he spends time with her the more I see her in his attitude and the way he acts. He talks badly to DH and demands things from him. He doesn't listen until I put the rules into place and then he cries. He doesn't say please or thank you unless I'm around. He is very sneaky and wants to be spoiled all the time.
