Done Being SM
My ss6 started to tell DH that he tells BM about things going on in our house. Examples are that dad drinks beer, takes pills, sleeps naked and ran off the road with the truck. BM has asked ss if dad drinks beer or alcohol and takes pills or vitamins. What 6yr old knows the difference about any of those four things? SS told DH that he wanted to tell BM then it finally came out that she asked him some things.
I pissed because I don't want to live in the house with a tattletail. My life shouldn't have to go and be reported to BM who is a waste of life and only wants ss because its her way of taking him from DH. She still has no health insurance on ss and hasn't made any sort of payments to medical bills in her name yet tells us she won't pay a dime to us when we pay our bills in full so that she doesn't make us end up in collections. She doesn't think that learning to ride a bike without training wheels or tying shoes is important but to bombard ss who is going into first grade with summer school.
I come from a divorced family and i was the same age as ss when my mom remarried. I never ever went between parents and told what went on at each house or had my parents ask questions about the other. I knew better than to do that and I wasn't the kid that wanted everything and got spoiled. This stepkid of mine is sorry to say but evil. He knows exactly what he is doing to us and doesn't care because it's more fun at mommys and she buys him things all the time for really no good deed done.
I love my husband but don't like his kid anymore. I think the kid will go this summer and tell BM that we are mean and yell and basically have rules and are being parents. I don't have the patience to deal with this kids nonsense. I hope that we will have kids of my own soon because then I feel I can just brush that kid aside. At first i feel quilty that i want him to leave to go with BM but I now see that that is my chance to have hubby to myself for once and grow that life together. I know this kid will only make it worse because he has these facial expressions of just pure I don't give a rats butt what you are saying to me.
- mndblwn's blog
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I feel your pain... Why is it
I feel your pain... Why is it so hard for BM's or in my case BD's to see the benefits of having rules. I don't get parents who wish to be their kids friend and not a parent...
THis has happened in my house
THis has happened in my house too. The Behemoth encouraged them to be "secret agents" for her. Brainiac (SS stb 15) at age oh, 10, opened up our mini frig and started counting the adult beverages in there to give a report to the Behemoth.
After the skids had lied to CPS to "please mommy" and the Behemoth "was making daddy look like an ogre" (all the skids words, not mine) GG (biodad) started to become aware of all the spying and tattling that was going on (I was aware of this the whole time)
Did I mention that the Behemoth WORKS for CPS as a caseworker and is such a PASinator that if you look up PAS in a dictionary you'll see HER picture!!!
I also was divorced with children and NEVER did I ask my children to be spies at their dad's house. NEVER!
These BMs need to lose custody and become sterilized but that will never happen as long as the "Old BM System" is in place. (witness the Casey Anthony trial) Had Casey been a STEPmom, she would be hanging from the other end of a noose by now.
We know that SD6 tells BM
We know that SD6 tells BM what goes on in our home, but if we ask how her day was with BM or anything (we never pry) she won't tell us much of anything. We know she is being coached and probably hammered with questions. There isn't much to tell about our boring lives.
Exactly! She's being coached
Exactly! She's being coached to spy when she's at your house but to say nothing about what goes on at the BM's. (Not that you'd really want to know)
Tattlin' Prince Hygiene was in full "Mata Hari" mode at age 5-6 for the Behemoth since the older two PASed out.
Well i feel this is my time
Well i feel this is my time to start having my own kids so that i don't have to put so much attention on ss. He is so spoiled with her that when we take him to the movies he asks us why we didn't go buy him toys. I can't take this because I have come from this and did the opposite. DH has done EVERYTHING for this kid and still does yet when do you draw the line and say screw it go live with BM. Shall DH have to live a life of hell because he is loyal to his kid? I've lost the quilty feelings and I'm done doing things for ss. I know he is 6 but he truly knows what he is doing
Our BM even threatened my
Our BM even threatened my skids (both older teenagers) to NOT tell me or H about her getting knocked up and then married a few months later.
We were both like, "Why the hell not??" We were practically jumping for joy when we found out!
But oh, yes, they have been badgered by BM questions for years...
How should I feel about all
How should I feel about all this???? I don't want anything really to do with the ss anymore even though I know it's not all his fault. I feel like this is a foreshadowing of how bad he will be when he grows up