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Constant verbal and psychological abuse from BM it is starting to get really old

mmm1's picture

So we have some medical bills that we have to pay half on for the ss7 and sd11. Well BM sends us and email here are the amounts call the doctors office and give them your credit card number.
We need to see bills and what it is for. So we called and the doctors office said they keep giving the bills to the BM and she just keeps saying that we are not willing to pay our portion. After explaining it to the billing dept of the doctors office they completely understood, and said they were sorry we have to deal with this on such a complicated level.
So then BM emails us today and said you need to pay your portion asap.
Well we need to see what is going on first. Response of course is that contact has been made with doctors office Finally ( after 2 years) she signed a release so we can have access to pay bills.
Such a nightmare
Then we still can not even get ahold of the children and when we do it is monitored and at times no calls are returned.
We are waiting on court and still one week nothing from attorney. It is soo nerving almost like is this all soo worth it. We owe 15 thousand in attorney bills. As well as we are needing 10 grand to begin a custody eval.
Family and friends have joined and are doing a fundraiser with our other family and friends to help us. But we are pretty much so broke it is sad.
SS11 gets an ipad touch for her birthday. BM gets a new iphone today. As she posts it on FB. She then also brags about the new big house they bought. Of course they sued us for wrongful death and we settled out of court for the death of my ss8. Well we are struggling to make ends meet, never late on CS and still she lives the high life being a B)((((. And well we struggle and owe our lives to attorney fees. What do we do now?
UGH! This is such a nightmare not fair to our family here we just want to have a life and she controls all of it. I wish it would at times just all go away. Why cant she allow my hubby to have a life without her. She was the one that had the affair and got pregnant, filed for divorce. And she still is mad at my hubby. Why? It was her fault they are not together..
We just want to be able to have a happy life without not knowing day to day if we are going to get an angry text, email or be served papers from the police.
This is just getting soo old


ddakan's picture

This sounds completely aweful! We used to have to keep our heads on a swivel. Now that our last skid is about to be 18, I'm expecting one more trip to court....I'm sure BM wants to stir something up. So tired of this woman after 10 years. She acts like she is God's gift and like we are worthless pieces of chit.

It is wrong for the state to make us beholden to these types of people. It's like forced slavery.

Rags's picture

"Of course they sued us for wrongful death and we settled out of court for the death of my ss8?" :?

My condolences to your DH, you and your family for the loss of the boy.

However, why would you settle something like a wrongful death suit out of court especially in a situation where you are already financially strained by the CS obligation that your DH owes to his XW?

As for the Doc bills, my SS-18's SpermIdiot owes us ~$6K for his half of med expenses not covered by insurance. We have sent him a dozen or so statements and copies of receipts but he has not paid a dime. Most COs that I am aware of require the CP to pay the med bills then submit for reimbursement of half of uncovered Med expenses from the NCP. You may want to try that and send BM small affordable installments rather than dealing with the Docs directly.

You may want to consider bankruptcy to get out from under the legal bills, wrongful death settlement and any delinquent med bills or CS. It is my understanding that CS goes in to the low priority pay back in a bankruptcy situation. At that is the case for a friend of mine.

Good luck and best regards,