Second Thoughts.........
Hi all and Merry Christmas. I need some support. I was at my BF home last eveing, we have been together for over 2 years and go back and forth between our two homes depending on whos kids are home. Anyway, he has his 9 year old son for the weekend and we three are doing a gingerbread house. The phone rings and I answer, someone hangs up. I guess its his twisted Mother. The phone rings again and its a man who asks if the son is home and I hand him the phone, it was the bio Moms boyfriend we guess. He son talks and then hangs up. The phone rings a third time and I answer and the bio Mom cusses me and demands to speak to her son. I nicely tell her as long as she speaks to me that way the answer is no, and I hang up. The phone rings again and the son answers and talks for a while. Mean time my BF is asking his son why he has to be on the phone so much with her when he only left her two hours ago. Thankfully the son was ok and didnt get upset but his Mom calls him constantly for the short time his Dad has him even thought the court has told her one call a day is sufficient as Dad has has this complaint before. My issuse is, we are currently looking for a house to buy together to share and now I am having second thought about how much I want to be exposed to this nutty woman to harass me if we move in together and even though my relationship with my man is great, do I want to sign up for a lifetime of abuse from this nut? Any support would be appreciated
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Here's what I did...
I went through a lot of this early in our marriage, too. If I answered the phone, she'd start screeching profanities at me. I'd hang up, she'd call back, on and on and on. We'd go out to dinner, come home, see the light blinking on the machine, play back the messages and then have to dive for the OFF button so that our kids wouldn't hear the screaming and cursing message she'd left on the answering machine. It got old really fast, believe me. I'd try to talk nicely to her, tried to work things out with her, nothing good ever came of it. We've had maybe two semi-pleasant conversations in five years. The rest of it was basically her swearing at me and me hanging up on her. What I did to survive it was to just ignore her. I don't talk to her on the phone and I don't respond to ugly emails. I have ZERO to do with her.
My husband's ex-wife does not have our unlisted home phone number, my cell phone number, his work number or his pager number. The only number she has or will ever be given is his cell phone number. This way, I don't have to worry about one of my kids answering the phone when she calls on one of her screaming, cursing rampages. Nor do I have to listen to the phone ring incessantly if we don't answer, because she will call back a zillion times just letting it ring until we either answer it or take it off the hook. Plus, without our home number, she can't leave ugly voice mails on our answering machine, which our children would hear. She doesn't have his work email address, either, but she does have our home email address and this is what we usually use to communicate with her. So basically, she has access to us via our home email and my husband's cell phone, which can be turned off with the push of a button.
Because we've always lived at least 4 hours away from her and it was a long trip to get the kids for visitation, I always have them call her as soon as they get home to let her know that they made it safe and sound. Then we don't accept any calls from her at all while they are with us. If she leaves a message and it's important, then of course we have them call her back and my husband will usually call her to make drop off arrangements at the end of the visit. Otherwise, there are no phone calls.
I know that living in this situation can definitely make you crazy, but I also know that if you and he can agree to and establish some boundaries, it doesn't have to always be horrible. She'll have to have your address, but she doesn't have to have your phone number. Give her only his cell phone number and set it so that it only vibrates when she calls. That way you are not interrupted by incessant phone calls. If you do move in together, have him communicate to her that his living situation has changed, that he can now be reached via whatever email address or at whatever phone number. Make sure he understands that you will not run interference for him, that he must handle all dealings with her. That way, you don't get sucked into something you don't want to get sucked into.
The first three years of my marriage were a complete and utter nightmare, because I was trying to "do the right thing" and form some kind of working relationship with her. I tried to mediate between my husband and his ex-wife, which was never going to work. I tried to prove myself to her that I could be trusted with her kids, but she'd had her mind made up the second she heard he was marrying me. My life was in total chaos and I was a basketcase until I just decided to let it go. I had our phone number changed and stopped engaging with her. My life has been mostly peaceful ever since. Now, don't get me wrong... my husband still has to wage war with her on occasion, but I can just be supportive and in the background, not on the front lines taking fire with him. Boundaries are important and I think if you and he can agree to some simple rules, then you can keep her at arm's length.
~ Anne ~
Thanks Anne
You gave me some very good advise. As simple as it sounds, I never thought to change the home number. She does have his cel and does use that first but if he doesnt hear it or it goes to voice mail she calls the house. Unfortunatley the court said she is allowed one call to son a day when he is with his Dad, she only lives 10 minutes away. On Tuesday we have decided to call our lawyer. It was written in the order not to trash the other parents partner, we had to do that because she has a history of being mean, and communicate to her lawyer that she is in contempt. Trying to reason with her doesnt work, so far she has been allowed to get away with anything she does. Hopefully a lawyer letter will make her act like an adult. I think telling her to call the cel only might be a great idea. Then if she persists to call the home, we will just change the number. Thankfully, I dont have any other dealings with her but I dont want to be her victim at home where I feel comfortable either. How do your husbands kids react to you? Its hard to feel comfortable with the child when you know their Mom trashes you 24/7 and they absorb that. Thanks again for your response and advise! Merry Christmas. ML579
The kids have almost always been great!
They have gone through the usual crap that kids go through... mouthing off to parents, their teenaged self-importance, etc. They have treated me very well, for the most part. They always hug me when they first see me, again before they leave and when I'd tuck them into bed at night. They would sit on my lap and snuggle when they were younger. The oldest was ten when I first married her dad and even at that age she would curl up in my lap. They tell me they love me and I tell them the same. So the relationship with the kids has always been pretty good. Not that I haven't had to discipline them, but you do that with bio kids, too. The best defense against Mom trashing me has been to just let them see who I really am, which is the total opposite of what she seems to think I am. They see for themselves. They know that I cook them fabulous meals when they are with us, that I take great pains in choosing their birthday and Christmas gifts, that I take care of them when they are sick and that I try to make them comfortable, welcome and happy when they are with us. The past couple of years have been tough, because we had to move away due to hubby's job and now they pretty much ignore us, unless we make contact first. They've always been a little spoiled, in that they take, take, take and never give back, but I think that's mostly just ignorance. Their mother never taught them to call Daddy on his birthday or encouraged them to send him a Father's Day card, so it just never dawns on them to do it themselves. But as far as respecting my authority, being respectful of me and all of that, it's never been a problem. My kids are their brother and sister, no half or step or anything like that. My husband and I sat them down on DAY ONE and outlined in no uncertain terms what was expected of them and what they could expect from us and we've always stuck to that. They are smart enough to see the difference between how we treat them and their mother, versus how their mother treats them and us. I think they feel secure with us whereas sometimes life in her house is totally out of control. I think it may have helped that she'd remarried before their dad remarried me, so they already had a handle on the fact that their parents would never reunite and all of that. There's some good and some bad, it ebbs and flows, but I wouldn't do anything differently. I have no regrets!
~ Anne ~
Similar Situation...
We too had a similar situation. Now, we screen all our calls and have Caller ID. The only number that BM has is our home phone. We NEVER pick up the phone for her. We to were getting the same treatment, and infact, there was a time that my SS would, on his own, 'pick up' the messages off the machine. One day, he heard her cursing and cussing us out, saying all kinds of things and the last message was something like she knew we were here, and demanded we pick up the f'ing phone right now!- we weren't home and there were numerious messages from her that day, that was the last one. She expected us to be at her beck-n-call 24/7 while SS was here, and that included being home when she called... um, so sorry that we have a life, you don't.
Anyway, from that day forward, we got a new answering machine and caller ID, and SS doesn't check the messsages anymore. When she calls, she immediately gets sent to the vmsg, and if we are here, and it's not interrupting anything, we let SS pick up and talk to her. But otherwise, we call her back on our time, when it's appropriate for us even if it's a few days later. And yes, we have been known to turn off the volume on the machine on several occasions. We got sick of her calling like clock work, while we were all snuggled up watching a movie, having a family moment. Somehow, probably because SS would be excited about the happenings here and you know how kids are, he probably talked about what we did, and that, and this, she figured out what our family night was and would repeatedly try to 'interrupt' it anyway she could. It was sooo annoying to me. So, I just got in the habit that once SS was here, and in the evenings after we had dinner and we settled in for the evening, the volume gets turned down. Most of our family and friends call both our home and our cell if it's important when they need to really get ahold of us, otherwise, they now the routine of leaving a message and we'll call them back.
And it's like Anne says, you just have to ignore her. She can get under your skin, but just let your DH handle it. That's all I do too. When it comes to having to communicate with BM, DH does it. I too tried to be civil, even friendly because that's my nature, but she just rejected me to full extent. In some ways, because I was so bubbly, I think that might have fueled her fury even more. She's very insecure, unfortunately. I find most BM's are for some reason. Seems to be a connection.
Truthfully, had I known what I know now, I think I might have chosen differently too, but I absolutely love my DH and so with that, I am in it for the long haul. I have commited myself to him, our marriage, and the situation we have to full extent. I realize that this is not a cat walk, but what is? We all have to face challenages in our lives and truthfully, I'd rather have this challenge to deal with than something that is life threatening...belive me, I've been there too. Life it too short.
IT does get better, but you do have to work at it. You also have to realize not to take things personnally, because that is what BM's who constantly fight, bicker, complain, moan and groan want. They push the buttons because it's the only way they can feel they have some control of the situation. It's all about control. So, when things get bad, try to take the emotion out of the picture, and look at it from a different perspective whenever possible- just so you can find the best solution. It's not easy, I know I too lose it from time to time... believe me. I am not perfect, but I find the best solution for me is to 'disconnect' whenever she 'calls'. I just ignore her flat out. When she's in my physical presence, you know the saying... keep you're friends close, but your enemies closer... well, that's me. I just smile from ear to ear, and am polite, friendly, and just move on. Nothing more, nothing less.
Thank You
Step Mom, thank you for your words. You are absolutely right in that these women are unahppy, insecure and jealous. They just want to disprupt any good time the Dad and others are having without her involvement or control. However, it still is anger provoking and frustrating but you are right again in that we are the only ones that control our responses to thier ulginess. Its hard in the heat of the moment to step back and look at the situation rationally but that is something I need to do. Its during those moments that I think its just too much to deal with. But, as you point out, there are a lot other things that could be a much bigger deal in the great scheme of things. Thank you again for your help. I will ask you the same thing I asked Anne, how does you step child respond to you when his Mom tells him so many negative things about you? Its hard to open up to the child when you know their Moms voice plays in their head. Merry Christmas.
We ignore it..
What we have found out was in the beginning, she and her mother used to drop and grumble to SS with suggestions and ideas about 'evil stepparents', and naturally, he figured out that I was a step parent. It was very rare that she actually would point blank make any direct referrence to me, but it did happen and it did hurt SS's feelings actually because he knew that I was not EVIL. Both BM and her mother are master manipulators, so they implate seeds in the kids head, and off the kids go thinking and twisting that idea they just gave them. That was alittler easier for me to deal with because I was able to disprove it off the bat.
The other thing that you have to really be willing to work at is getting in touch with the kids, making sure there is a connection on a level that BM doesn't have control over- just your own special time and event. So, I happen to be very artistic, musical and creative. I also happen to get greatly involved with SS's sport by being the team mom, etc etc. Of course, all this fuels more fire into BM, but eventually, she started to drop her tyrants because she knew that it doesn't work anymore.
What I did was focus on SS while he was here. I was the one that helped him with his homework even if he ran to Dad, I was the one that answered, but I made him work at it harder than Dad, so he didn't like that either! lol. I also did special art projects with him and taught him what I knew. What I did was give him what I knew I could offer him. I happen to be very artistic, musical and creative- which his mother is not. So, what I suggest is find something you have to offer him, baking, singing, cooking, writing, art, play any insturments, piano, play games, color, video games? Something that you have you can share with him, just you two alone. At first it won't be easy because they will sit and squirm in their seats, be uncomfortable with it, not want to do it, but what happens is you start to create a connection with them.
You can't expect them to be all warm and fuzzy with you at first, but it takes time, and your DH has to understand to back out when you are focused with SS too. So, I did have to sit down and make a plan with DH, let him know what I was doing, and eventually he did realize the bigger picture.
The other thing you may have to expect is that when you are finding little things to do with SS, it's all about SS to begin with. He will in turn go back to his BM's, which as kids do, tell her all about what he did here, she'll get jealous of all the time you're spending, the special projects too and turn around and either try to sabatoge it, or attempt to do it herself to overshadow you.
I got greatly involved in SS's baseball league. She in turn got jealous and signed up as a coach for a tee ball team... mind you, this women knows nothing about baseball and the league was desperate for coaches, so they took her anyway. She never sticks to anything, and just as we (my DH and I) expected, dropped out three months later giving some lame excuse to the parents. Fotunately, there was a dad on the team that felt sorry for her, and stepped in. She is pretty mental.
The next thing that happened was that I started to play guitar, I learn extremely fast and well, started to teach my SS to play, and immediately the next time he came over from her house, he tells me that oh yeah, my mom is learning to play too! But she isn't as good as you are, you're good. And I guess she didn't stick to that either, because I haven't heard another word about it since.
The other thing she did was I worked on a school project with SS where he had to read an animal story and work on a mask. He picked out an elephant story, so we worked on the mask. He had to return to his mother's before he went back to school, so the mask went with him... mind you, the mask was made by SS, I just helped him. We didn't have the materials that the teacher called for, so we improvised with what we had. I had some syrofoam, so I whittled them down to make tusks- that was the only part that I did myself, the rest SS did- and we had some gray felt around from my many various crafts I like to do. Well, when BM saw it, she immediately called us telling us that SS got in trouble with the teacher, almost got detention because 'he didn't follow the instrustions', etc etc... we were just at the school that same day, and spoke to the teacher about it... The teachers thought it was fantastic, and was very impressed with it, they were not mad at all! So, how is it that all of a sudden, SS was going to get detention for it, and she somehow talked them out of it?!?!?!? Yeeeeaaaaahhhhhhh rrrrriiiiiiggghhhhtttttt. See, we also got greatly involved with the school, his teachers all the time. She didn't realize that we were there like every week. The teachers know who we are... DAH...
So, it just goes to show you that you can't expect things to go smooth all the time, but you do have to keep things into perspective and really just focus on the kids and your hubby, you know.
We have similar situations
We have similar situations when it comes to the BM and how she reacts ands tries to keep SD from "getting close" to us. It's hard to keep you head up and not get hurt, and it's even worse when you put a lot of energy into truly caring about the ss/sd.....and then the BM does something that is hurtful towards the kids. OUCH...
It's nice to have a place to come to now to share my experiences.
I think that's perfectly normal
for our situations. Seems that we all have to deal with this way or another. Most of us certainly can go on and on and on with stories that just spoil things for the kids. Sad to me.
So, yes, WE ARE NOT ALONE! lol. Great to have this site, I tell you!
Thanks Everyone......
It is a support to have this site and I am greatful for you taking the time to write. I know I need to rise above it and not let it bother me. I do, do things with SS when he is over that he enjoys. The hardest part is when she calls him in the middle of it, you can see the nervousness on his face that he is not sure what to say or how to react. Also if I am home when she comes to pick him up, his moood changes into uncertainly and fear. SS does not even want me to be at events she is at or even in the driveway at the same time as he knows how much she hates me and will make a scene in a heart beat. Its hard for me to make a connection with him when I am only allowed to interact with him at certain times, like when she is not around becasue she is so hateful and volitle. It also makes feel like an outsider. Dad of course supports me be he has no control over her temper and it seems SS is the one to suffer and its hard on me to suck it up. Anyways, thanks again.