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M.Kabe's picture

ok I found this weird and creepy and I have no idea what to make of it.
today I was in my office writing some letters and the SK are playing in the brats room.
they come in and said Guess what Brat just said and I am like what?
they both said that Brat said she wanted "to put a spell on daddy so he wouldn't love step mommy anymore, just me"
is that crazy or what?
and this is coming out of no where she can't possible be nice. today I tried HARD I went into the back yard with her had a small picnic and did absolutely nothing bad to her at all.
it's been a couple of days that I have been holding my tongue and I get this. I painted her nails when she asked nicely and she still hates me. it has gotten to the point that I am not allowed in on family movie night. I can't sit with hubby cause she'll kick me and act like a bitch and if i sit away and hubby comes to me she starts whining and hitting and kicking her brothers and stands in front of the tv yelling that she hates the movie.
I can't stand her!!!!!!!


NachoMama's picture

She kicks you and hits you when you try to sit with DH!?!?! someone needs their rear end busted and to be sent to their least that's what it sounds like to me!

****I can do bad all by myself****

sm27's picture

When she throws a tantrum, ask her to share what she is feeling and why she's feeling that way. Afterwards, your hubby should send her to her room and explain that the type of behavior she exhibits is unacceptable!

M.Kabe's picture

we have tried different forms of punishment. flat out punishment and talking and nothing works we have explained to her what she does is wrong but she wont listen especially not to me and it because of her BM. SK see her every other weekend and she feeds them all this mean shit.
their BM abandons them and they still prefer her BM has flat out said to hubby you can keep the boys but I want my daughter and all 3 SK still want to go with BM and listen to her when she tells them to do some things.
we have talked and talked to brat together and separately. different forms of punishment from staying in her room to taking away favorite toy to no snacks and still no change.
it's because when I am not around hubby lets them break all the rules and doesn't do anything about it. I have talked to hubby but he is just as stubborn as they are.

soverysad's picture


herewegoagain's picture

She what? OH MY! If his kid ever dared hit me, I would hit the roof! You and your DH need a serious talk...if he can't stand by you on this, wait until she's older...geez!

Rags's picture

Time to blister some Skid ass!!!!! She sounds young so I would go with bare ass and my hand if I was you. Just enough for her to have some nice cherry red ass cheeks that are a bit warm when she sits. Make sure to get some sting in to those cheeks so she gets the point.

Make it a point to not skip movie night. Sit by your husband. When she starts her crap put operation Rosey Cheeks in to effect. Once her butt is nice and toasty point her in the direction of her room and swat her butt all the way there. Let her know that when she is ready to behave she can return to family movie night. Also let her know that each and every time she behaves in the manner that got her butt spanked this time she will get exactly the same punishment.

I think you will find that you will have a very pleasant little girl on your hands in very short order.

The supreme court has already ruled that parents are more than justified in implementing corporal punishment on misbehaving children.

If your DH takes issue with your toasting the little shit's ass let him know that if he does not like the way you discipline then he better step up and get it done before you have to. And ........ under no circumstance will you allow any child that resides in your home to hit you. Or anyone else to hit you for that matter.

This really is more DH's issue than the Skids.


Best regards,

Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)