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Camping catastrophe

misskiya's picture

So the egg donor and her family decided to take SS5 out of town on a camping trip. Mind you, they don;t camp, they just watch tv in the woods. To each their own I guess. Anyhoodle...

This is the third time he has seen her this year. Each time for less than 24 hours, this was no exception. She drove him to camping, the left the very next morning, leaving him with her parents.

Cut to SS5 coming returning from camping trip. HOLY ATTITUDE! He's been back for 12 hours, and already we've taken 8 steps back. This morning, I woke the kids up for breakfast. When I went into his room, he was already awake. He was lying in his bed, picking his nose, and wiping it on his blankets. This is a chronic problem with him, wiping his nasties wherever he happens to be (or eating them *gag*). So I told him to get up and wash his hands, then we would have a time out as this is one of the "written rules". (We've been taking lessons from Supernanny. Written standards, time out, explanation, then move on). He sets his jaw, puts his finger in his nose and wipes it on the wall while staring at me. This attitude is ridiculous. I've had no verbal communication from him since he's been back, but there's been plenty of jaw setting/teeth grinding/head shaking attitude. I hate how we have to go through this every time she decides to make her parents happy and visit him.

Top that off with the packing adventure that happened before he left, and I'm about cooked. Long story short, he decided to jam his clothes, unfolded into his dresser, then lie about it. I'd been dealing with the lies all day and told him "SS5, I'm tired of you lying to me. I expect the truth from now on". DH BLEW UP! He went into DD8's room and checked her drawers, each and every one, trying to fault hers over his. When I explained that he wasn't in trouble for the clothes (though it is irritating since I just reorganized his drawers) but for lying, he told me that I need to learn to respect SS5 if I ever expect him to listen.

Why is it so hard for DH's to really see what's going on? I understand the need to protect one's child, but honestly, this is out of hand. Are they all blind to the things their children do? I'm guessing, from reading everyone else's posts, that this is usually the case.