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Speaker phone.

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First, I can't stand it and same for SO.

SS17 talks fo BM on speaker phone. Every. Single. Time. It's not that often that we catch it but probably like once a month. He has been talking to her more recently though. She doesn't have an iPhone so it's not FaceTime. Regular phone call. 

Now it's not like it's quite's volume all the way up so you can hear the whole convo speaker. 

I am honestly starting to think he possibly is doing this on purpose. SS17 is BM that what triggers this thought for me.

BM and her delusion.

MissK03's picture

Well from my pervious blog..SO got into it with BM today. Why? She is out of her mind lol. 

She called SO today to "talk" about SS17 and the vape SO found.

SO said she started to piss him off because she was saying that "she has older friends and they find it very helpful."

SO said I don't care about other people I'm talking about SS17. 

SO’s weakness with SS17

MissK03's picture

So tonight is another one is those nights that SO spots a vape wrapper on the boy's floor. 

I was downstairs drinking a white claw not getting involved one bit as he tears apart SS17's side of the room. 

SO comes downstairs empty handed. I say what's going on? SO says what's happening.. I say my guess it's somewhere because if it was actually his "friend's" as he claimed he would be flipping out... since he isn't flipping it's somewhere. SO goes upstairs spots in SS17's pocket. 

Opinions. Letting BM know we are going out of state.

MissK03's picture

I'll start with this conversations has not come up yet but, my spidey senses are telling me that SO might feel obligated to tell BM we are going out of state for a few days.

SO and I will be going out of state in a few weeks from a late Thursday morning (after the skids go to school) till probably around 5pm on Sunday. 

We have had only 1 night away in 3 years and that was in November last year and it wasn't even a full day. 

“Shut up” pranks.

MissK03's picture

Not sure who has seen these but, one parent and child prank the dads by telling the "moms" to "shut up" when asked to do something. In the link I posted two of them are step moms pranking the dads. I really enjoy all the dads reactions. 

I figure some here will appreciate the dads reactions to skids telling stepmom to shut up.

Amazon delivery

MissK03's picture

So this isn't even a rant or a vent, just a sad delusion.

I get home from work today and SO tells me that SD13 told him that BM wanted to get her some school stuff. So I say like clothes or something? He says no pens and pencils. (We have bought them everything already. They start Tuesday) 

MOTY Award.

MissK03's picture

So everyday I call SO when I'm leaving work. (We don't really text too much) I call him today, he tells me BM is taking SS17 out to eat because.............. drum roll...........


She will be in the area and thought she would ask. I laugh.. in the area??!! She lives 10 minutes away!! So, SO asks SS15 if he is going out to eat with BM. He says no. SO asks him if she asked him.. he goes no... Me: she didn't even ask SS15 WOW! SD13 Isn't home she's at my uncles with her BFF (his stepdaughter) 



MissK03's picture

Well, vacation was an overall success. Our cabin was awesome. We went white water rafting and that was a total blast!! If you haven't done I suggest you do lol. We swam at waterfall, and even fed a bald eagle with fish SD was catching. It was an amazing experience! 

Sunday night before we left I did lose it on SS17. I was running around all day getting stuff done before vacation. Grocery shopping, cleaning the house, packing etc. SOs nephew was staying at our house to watch the dogs so I wanted the house clean. SS17 was asked to clean the downstairs bathroom....


OT phone contacts.

MissK03's picture

This may be a little off topic but, it kind of annoys me in a way. 

I have a ton of contacts in my phone because of work. Most have first and last name or first with the company the contact works for so I can keep track of who they are.  All my close friends and family are just their first names.  

Example, I have 15 contacts in my phone with SO's first name but, I have him as just his first name. 
