how of an effort is it to love your step children?
I am not a step mom, but i really need to know how step parents experience step children.
I have 2 teenager daughters. i don't think they are angels, but they are truely well behaved loveable children.
My husband seems to like/love (not sure) them for a while and the next minute seems to be extremely irritated by them.
There has been many outburst, fights regarding this issue, it goes well for a while and then it starts from scratch again.
When communicating with them it will most of the time be harsh and without feeling.
I battle to show love towards him when he rejects my children.
I would like honnest oppinions and perhaps advise from step parents?
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hmmmmm? _____________________
Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!
Does your husband treat his
Does your husband treat his child with you different to his step children?????
How long has he been in
How long has he been in their life? Is their bio dad in their life?
First, having the same love for children that aren't yours as that of children who are is *very* difficult and rare. Not that it doesn't happen but it could take years and years, and sometimes it doesn't happen at all. It's not something anyone can control, you can't force someone to feel something they don't, and you definitely can't blame them for it either.
Second, as far as liking/loving them one minute and then extremely irritated by them the next....don't you get like this with them yourself? I know I do with my own children, and I can't imagine how often that will happen once they become teenagers.
Third, as far as being harsh and without feeling when communicating...that could be how he is wired. He A) may not be comfortable/vulnerable enough with them to communicate to them with feeling or
Alot of men have difficulty in this area with anyone
I think the best thing you can do is accept where he is at right now with his connection/feelings towards your children. Don't force it or get angry if what he feels or doesn't feel doesn't meet your expectations, because no matter how angry/disappointed you get, it's still not going to change it. It's not an on/off switch. Also, because you feel this way, you analyze everything he does, and you might be making something he is or isn't doing about his feelings for your children, or lack thereof, when it has nothing to do with it.
“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”
Thank you, i appreciate your
Thank you, i appreciate your remarks, makes sence.
I really found your few and
I really found your few and comments interesting and informing.
I never had an oppurtunity to talk to step parents.
Are you sure you've never
Are you sure you've never talked to other stepparents before? 'Cause my spidy-senses are tingling.
Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!
LOL... too funny!
LOL... too funny!
Ok, how is it that ya'll
Ok, how is it that ya'll have spidy-senses and I don't! LOL
This is the second time I've been completely out of the loop.
“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”
Simple...pick a neighbor's
Simple...pick a neighbor's kid...not one that is well behaved and not one that is horrible...just one at random that you know nothing, try to love that kid...whether the kid spits in your face or treats you nicely, remind yourself you are told you must love them...and never correct them if they do disrespect you...that's what it's like...let us know how the experiment goes
That is one of the most
That is one of the most poignant comments I have ever read on this site. You just summed up the entire experience perfectly. VERY well said.
"There comes a time when you have to surrender the idea of what your children could be to the reality of who they are."
i just added this to my fb
i just added this to my fb page. this is great
I am both a bio and step
I am both a bio and step parent. I try to explain stepparenting to other people this way:
Imagine you are dating someone, you fall in love with them. You know they have children but you don't date the kids, you don't fall in love with the kids. Hell in my case, you don't even MEET the kids until you are more than six months in and you've already fallen for the person. Then as your dating the person, you spend a little bit of time with the kids here and there but you are not their parent, they don't expect you to be and you don't expect yourself to be. Then you marry and WHAM!! You are expected to fall in love with those children and feel about them as you would your own. Don't work that way. Imagine if someone dropped off the neighborhood kids at your door and told you to live with them everyday and love them like your own but ultimately they will still think of other people as mother and father and it is other people that will set the rules for discipline and accountability with those kids....uhhh, hello? It's tough.
Here are the things your children and your husband have the right to expect out of their relationship:
1) respect (goes both ways)
2) care and concern for their lives
3) love (BUT and this is the big one, they must give love to expect love in return. And you must accept that the love he gives your daughters is probably different than the love he feels for his bio-children. Not every step parent feels this way but some do and that is there prerogative. I know I do. My bio daughter grew in my belly. I've known every moment of her life and she adores me because I am mommy. I love my stepdaughter because she is a good person, because she brings joy to my life and because she is the child of the man I love. But I can not say that the love I feel for one is in anyway the same as the love I feel for the other.)
"don my halo" made me LMAO.
"don my halo" made me LMAO. You and "RustyHalo" should get together
Thanks I hear what you say
Thanks I hear what you say and agree 100%. The thing in our house is that the kids was there from the beginning of the relationship and the 12 y old then 4y bonded with him and he with her.
Once we had our own child it seemed that he puched her away completely. more that the one he didn't bond with.
It is probably more of an issue to me that her, cause i feel that my child is getting hurt.
He is also not fair when it comes to dissiplining his own and the 12 year old.
I understand that he cant love them the same, cause i would even have difficulty with that and i love all children, but i think it is the unfearness that REALLY gets to me.