Engagement ring in the near future for Milomom?? How did YOU handle it? - UPDATE
UPDATE on 11/17/2010: WE ARE ENGAGED!!!! He took me out of town over this past weekend and proposed!!! Very surprising and romantic - and the ring is beautiful!! I can't believe it - I'm still in such SHOCK!!! It's about time!!!!
As all of you may (or may not) know, I have never been married before, no biokids of my own. I've been dating my BF for 6.5 years, living with him for about 2 years now - and we have true 50/50 joint legal & physical custody of his 2 kids with his exW/BM - they are FSD16 & FSS13.
I could be wrong, but I THINK my BF is hiding a little "secret" that includes a DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RING in my not-too-distant future. AAAAHHHH!! I'm a bit excited today and anxious, too!! I also admit that I'm a little nervous (in a good way) that my life is about to change.
I feel a little guilty, though, because I did a little of my own "private investigating" to find some clues (translation: I was being NOSEY...ok I admit it - DAMMIT, I was & I couldn't help it!!). Some of the following "clues" I've uncovered/experienced are:
1. I found a withdrawal receipt from his bank account from this past Monday, 10/26 that shows a fairly sizable withdrawal
2. I found an address in NYC written on a small piece of paper (along with item #1) where one of his best friends' cousin is a DIAMOND seller (and I know his best friend got HIS wife's engagement & wedding rings from the bf's cousin - same guy)
3. My BF has been increasingly saying lately "when we are married, it'll be this or that way" when we talk
4. My BF has been increasingly "mushy" with me lately - snuggling & saying romantic and loving things (not that this isn't normal, but he's doing it a bit more than usual)
5. My birthday is next month (turning the big 4-0 ugh!!)
6. My youngest sister went to a psychic back in the Spring and she said that the psychic kept talking about ME and told her that I would be getting engaged in OCTOBER. She knows I don't believe in the psychic thing, but she called me immediately (she lives in FL & I live in NY) to tell me because this psychic has been SPOT ON with a lot of things for her AND her friends. By the way, I kept what my sister told me to myself - I NEVER, EVER told my BF about it (didn't want to "jinx" myself or alter or affect his plans).
AAAHHHH!! I'm trying to keep calm, but I can't help to get ALL EXCITED just thinking about the man I love proposing marriage and FINALLY asking me to become his wife!! Hell, it's been a LOOONG wait - it better be a BIG RING!!!! LOL!!! Just kidding.
So I come to all of you, to ask a few questions:
1. Did you have a feeling (or know) that your DH/SO was close to proposing to you?
2. Did you do a little of your own "private investigating" and did you feel guilty about it?
3. Was his proposal a TOTAL surprise or did you have a gut feeling that it was happening?
I feel like such an immature little school girl right now. I'm all giddy and stuff...
Of course, I don't want to get too excited and then set myself up for disappointment. That's where I'm just trying to keep calm & rational about all the "clues" - it could be something else.
I need your advice/opinions on all of this. Please, please chime in and help out a fellow "steppie" here!! Thanks to all!!
- Milomom's blog
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Yay! That all sounds
Yay! That all sounds promising! How exciting! I really hope that's what's going on, but it sounds like it is an inevitable fact, whether now or a little bit later.
My situation was a little bit odd, but I am a little bit odd, lol! My husband and I had been platonic friends for so long and had a long time to built up romantic feelings and get to know each other so when he finally left BM and married me, it was such a huge, life-altering decision that we both took it more seriously than most people who are casually dating and on the evening we got together we talked all night about everything and made sure that we were both fully committed. I don't think we actually said it that night, but we both assumed that we would be getting married. Things were so crazy that it didn't come up for a few weeks, but one day we were snuggling on the couch (and the snugglage does increase pre-proposal!!! H was a one man, walking soppy love poem) and he said, "hey, if I asked you to marry me, not today or tomorrow, but maybe the day after, would you say yes?" and I said, "duh!" and we laughed and kissed. The next day, we were driving around town and we saw the same diamond billboard with a giant, tacky diamond ring on it that said, "say it with diamonds" and we kept laughing because we KEPT driving past the damn signs. Later that afternoon, we were geeking out at an antique store (amazingly, I snagged a guy that loves to go to antique stores!) and I noticed H looking at the ring display. This particular store has an amazing antique ring collection and I went over and immediately noticed a delicate and beautiful tiny ring with an rectangular dark stone. It looked black and the first thing I thought (and said) was "I bet my little sister would love that!" because she wears a lot of black onyx jewelry. We asked to look at it and H looked kind of pink and happy and more enthusiastic than he usually is over jewelry! (he usually heads straight to things like giant nautical chests and manly looking hunks of metal. He once tried to convince me that we needed a vintage diving suit, the giant, heavy metal ones, in our living room!). He held the ring up in the light and the sun hit it and we saw that it was actually a gorgeous, gorgeous deep green and it turns out that it's a rare gem that is only found in one specific mine in Africa and the ring dated from the early part of the last century. I immediately loved it and was raving about it like I always do about stuff I like (I like a lot of stuff) and H got all quiet and got this huge smile and just gave me this questioning look? Then he said, "do you LIKE it?" and I totally knew what he meant. I said, "yes!!!" and he said, "well, then, we should buy it." and pulled out his wallet (he had totally taken out a giant wad of cash before hand and was hoping we would find something special! I just was too clueless to do any sleuthing beforehand!). We were both grinning like double idiots and the sales lady totally knew something was up, but since it wasn't a traditional diamond engagement ring, I don't think she wanted to put her foot in her mouth and say anything, so she finally asked us if this was for something "special" wink wink or "just because" and H said, "it's just because someone is special!"
She laughed, but I could tell she was dying of curiosity so I came back later that day and told her that it WAS an engagement ring and she was thrilled. 

Anyway, so we bought it and then it was really awkward because he hadn't officially proposed and neither of us had been in that situation before (I had been engaged before to my first serious boyfriend, but that had been a very boring and traditional engagement with a boring diamond ring). We were sitting in the parking lot of the antique store and H looked like his face would burst from smiling and I was in shock and giddy and he just asked me if I wanted to go ahead and put the ring on!!! I asked him if that would mean we were "officially" engaged, as in call our families engaged and he grinned and nodded and I put that sucker on immediately!!! Then, to be silly, I drew a little mustache on my finger and posed with ridiculous sunglasses and a little finger mustache with my sparkly new ring and H took an "engagement picture" with his cell phone to send to his friends! It was hilarious and definitely not your typical engagement! We were sooooooooo excited after that. My family immediately came over and started partying and H's mom burst into tears and made H's dad get on the phone too to hear the news. She thought he would never get married and the first time she saw our rings she burst into tears and gave me a super tight hug. H has only seen her cry three times in his life and two of them involved our wedding/engagement rings! For some reason, we didn't think to show her our wedding bands the first time we saw her after the wedding (which was just a courthouse wedding and we had a reception with his family separately later) and she saw them for the first time while we were saying Grace at a family gathering at their house and she just lost it! She told me that she never thought she would see the day where her "baby" was wearing a wedding band! To make it even better, we coincidentally picked out pretty much the same exact wedding bands that they have! She was super emotional that day and gave me some family heirlooms that have been in the family for generations. It was a wonderful, bonding moment with them and it makes me really happy that although BM was in H's life for a long time and is the mother of his children and in some of the family pictures in their house, she was never his wife and never a member of his family. They call me their "daughter" and have treated me like family from the beginning. I share their name and his mom cried quite a bit over the rings and went on and on about me being the newest Mrs. -------. It was really, really cool!
Being engaged was so much fun that I almost didn't want to get married! (jk!) The only part that sucked, ring-wise, was giving the ring up to get it sized. I have very small hands and am very small boned and so even though the ring was tiny already, we had to take it down three sizes! It was really hard to give it up for a week, but I wore a tacky little twenty-five cent grocery store ring that H bought me as a joke for a couple of days and then switched to a sapphire and diamond ring my mom got me for my birthday years ago. It was a wonderful feeling to finally have my real engagement ring on my finger after it was sized! It really feels official then. A word of warning though: after you do become engaged, be very careful not to get in a car accident, because driving while wearing a sparkly new engagement ring is very distracting!
Anyway, I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you and I hope the ring is beautiful! Keep us posted!!!
Awww StepMadre, that's an
Awww StepMadre, that's an awesome story!! Thanks so much for sharing it. Oh, and I don't think it's "odd" (or you are odd) at all - I feel that there's no "perfect" way to get engaged or do things - only a way that's "perfect" between those 2 people. KWIM??
Thank you so much for the crossed fingers. I hope I'm not just imagining all of these "coincidences" and that it will be the REAL DEAL. I must admit, I'm definitely not the "crying", emotional type...but I have a feeling that when he proposes, I'll be bawling like a little baby. It's just that we've been dating a long time and it would really be BEYOND amazing for us to finally be engaged!! I'll just feel that our relationship will be so much more "on the next level" than ever before.
I also hope and pray that FSD16 & FSS13 will be happy about this. That's all. I don't expect them to jump up & down and do cartwheels, because I know that, in a way, it has to be a bit of an emotional rollercoaster for them themselves, with their father getting remarried to another woman after their parents got divorced. But, they've known me for over 6 years (they were 9 & 6 when I met my BF & we started dating) and all through these years, I have been nothing but loving, kind and warm to them. If it's any indication of their reaction, they seemed pretty happy when their mother (my BF's exW/BM) got engaged last year...and she got engaged to a man that was practically a STRANGER to them (only dated him for like 4 months or something) - although just as all of her other relationships, THAT didn't last long at all - and they broke up about 6 months later.
I am DEFINITELY SO CURIOUS about how the skids will feel when we get engaged. BM has paraded about 6-8 different boyfriends in front of skids in the last 6 years - allowing each of them to get close to the kids (having boyfriends over on school nights, buying them presents, etc...) and then next thing you know...POOF!! That boyfriend is gone and the skids have to get used to her next "flavor of the month" when he comes along. Sigh...I have no idea how a woman like that can consider herself a good mother. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for her dating - hell, I don't care if she sleeps with 100 different men at the same time. My opinion: STOP BRINGING THEM AROUND THE KIDS UNTIL YOU ARE SERIOUS!!! (She only shares 50/50 custody with us, so why can't she just not bring the boyfriends around on the 3-4 days/week that she has the kids - at least just until she knows it's SERIOUS and THEN introduce them). But I digress....
Thanks StepMadre. I'll definitely keep everyone posted. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
I don't know what's wrong
I don't know what's wrong with this site?!? It seems that the blogs posted today are somehow ending up 5 pages deep on the "Recent Posts" section...and it's really quite annoying!!
People that are posting today with today's problems seeking advice are getting pushed to be listed with posts from days & weeks ago?!?
Also, there are some spam bots that keep digging into posts from months and/or YEARS ago and posting, therefore bringing those posts to the front of the "Recent Posts" section!!
I wonder if Dawn and Admin can somehow help out with (or get rid of) this problem??
Thanks so much DPW!! I'm
Thanks so much DPW!! I'm excited, too. I will definitely put all of my step-buddies on the top of the list - are you kidding me?? Of course!!
I feel like I can tell everyone here SO many things about my life and not have to feel bad about it (or explain every little thing) - and everyone here can in some way relate! There are just some things that only step-parents (and future step-parents) can understand. I've made so many friends here that I can honestly say I feel a "virtual bond" with everyone.
**Milomom crosses fingers with a smile before she turns in for the night.**
Happy Halloween everyone!!!
DH and I knew where we were
DH and I knew where we were headed, no secrets. A co-worker who also makes jewelry came over one evening with diamonds and a book of settings for me to choose from. I got to design my engagement ring and I love it! The hard part was the fact that once DH got the rings..I never even peeked at it until it was going on my finger. Why was it hard? Because the ring came home one day and sat on top of the fridge...for months! The whole issue was that he wanted to talk to my dad first...to ask for my hand. And my dad was a contract worker who would be out on the road for months at a time. Meanwhile, everyone that entered our house got to see the finished product of my ring...but I managed to resist the urge to look. It was almost impossible, but I did it! I waited and I was so glad that I did!!!
Loads of luck and well wishes Milomom!!!
Very exciting for you! My H
Very exciting for you!
My H and I had already talked about it and went together to pick out the rings. He wouldn't give me the ring because he felt like he still needed to do it "properly."
We went out to our favorite restaurant one night and that's where he popped the question. It was magical...
...until we were leaving and BM was there with the skids waiting for a place to sit. She started screaming at us from the moment she saw us until we left the premises. :O
LOL Katrinkie!! T*H*A*N*K
LOL Katrinkie!! T*H*A*N*K Y*O*U!!!!!
I've decided to take this "commitment" thing to a whole new level. I've made a promise to myself that from this point forward, I will put MYSELF and MY NEEDS, MY DREAMS, MY LIFE first and foremost - I will absolutely NOT allow any of this BM/skids crap to EVER, EVER come before me and my future marriage with my BF - OOPS! I mean my FIANCEE!!!
AAAAHHHHHH!!!! I'm so very excited!!
Hey Kat, I feel like you & I have shared some "life milestones" together over this past year or so(Paws and Mishka's passing, my engagement, etc...) and I'm really so eternally grateful to have you as my friend, even if we are only "virtual" buddies. You are such a wonderful woman - thank you so much!!
OMG Kat, you're going to make
OMG Kat, you're going to make me cry!!
"Paws and Mishka will be standing on Rainbow Bridge purring in delight on your special day." - that was breathtakingly amazing...I have no words.
Thank you so much again!!
P.S. You have NEVER been an "arse" - are you kidding me?? You have done SOOOO MUCH and have put in so much time, effort, work, blood, sweat and tears into trying to make your relationship with your DH a successful one. You have put up with more crap over the years (especially the DH's idolizing your SD and trying to "force" you to love her) than I ever could have put up with in a week. Your DH is such a lucky man, I hope he knows that. You are truly one of the most selfless people I know. Chin up, Kat.
Thanks, SusiQ. I'm really
Thanks, SusiQ.
I'm really excited and must admit that I'm finding it VERY difficult to concentrate on work the past few days....AAAHHHHH!!!
Congratulations! Happy
Congratulations! Happy Wedding Planning to you!
Thanks, stepitup! I have
Thanks, stepitup!
I have absolutely NO CLUE how to plan a wedding - never did it before (and none of my sisters have gotten married yet before me). Oh boy!!
This link is quite helpful to
This link is quite helpful to get you started! Your budget and preferences will stem as you go.