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O/T office rant and immature co-workers.

MidwestStepmom's picture

I don't understand some of these young adults that graduate from college and have no idea how to act in a work setting. I recently shifted gears in my career and took a step down to move into a new field. I went from working in the retail store level to retail corporate. I work in a department that hire a lot of fresh out of college students. I sit by two that drive me crazy!

Co worker A talks about getting high all the time, shows up hung over, doesn't shower/stale BO smell and talks about the most inappropriate subjects ever. Last week I was showing him how to do something and said "you could do this" while pointing at the computer screen. He turns around and blurts out "well you can just suck my d!€k". WTF! He is well aware that I use to be a previous HR manager in the field.

Coworker B just constantly IM's me, even though I am 2 feet away, with songs he wants me to listen to and funny things he found in the Internet. He also has this issue with stealing my stashed goodies and K-cups. He did it right in front of me tonight and I called him out on this and told him its stealing. He laughed it off and said I didn't need it and continued making the cup of coffee.

I feel like there should be a class required by all college seniors based on work etiquette and basic HR laws/consequences. It puts people like me in a position where I have to make the decision to report these behaviors to my boss, which could make me look like a complainer or just shut up and take it.


notsurehowtodeal's picture

Could you try something in between?

When the first one mouthed off, would it have worked to treat him like you would a step kid? Get right in his face, look him straight in the eye, and using a very low, very calm voice say something like, "look moth** fu*** - you are never going to speak to me that way again and if you do all kinds of h*llfire is going to come down on your head." Or something like that. Then turn around and walk away without giving him a chance to respond.

It is not only the college educated kids in their 20's who have no work ethic. My DH works in a field where there is lots of manual labor. He is in his 50's and can out work any of the 20 year olds - mostly because they won't do the work. They do nothing but complain all day and have no idea how good they have it at the company. He gets so frustrated with them.

I'm sorry for the situation you are in - with your experience they should be learning from you, not making your life miserable!

HappilySelfish679's picture

Good lord. I am in my mid 40's and i work in tech. I am part of the management team that oversees new hires as well. A few months ago, a new college grad e mailed me her resume. Her e mail addy was " ".

Well, the bitch writing this post deleted your e mail without even reading the resume...

hereiam's picture

I was just talking to a co-worker about this the other day. Inappropriate email addresses for job applicants or businesses.

We have a lot of customers that own their own little businesses and have dumber than dumb email addresses (even stupid business names). I mean, email accounts are free, create a new one for professional situations.

And they send emails as if they are writing to a friend, "Hey, this is Joe, I'd like to order what I got last time." No company info, no business signature, no details at all. I wonder how they are even able to run a business, no matter how small. Morons.

classyNJ's picture

How do they get away with this?

Here's a quick story. My mom worked in an office at a College that was down the street from my office. Seems two of her newer, younger male co-workers said to her one day "Hey Mom you like tea bagging?" She was in her late 60's and answered "Oh I have tea every night". Well these two Aholes just laughed all day.

With an hour left in the work day I get a call from my Mom and she is whispering "Hon, what does tea bagging mean"? :jawdrop: :jawdrop:


I ran down the block and ripped those jerks a new one! Supervisor came out of her office to find out what the commotion was. Explained to her and those two had to go to two weeks of additional training and apologize to her.

LOL The worst part? Have to explain to her what it meant. :O

AlreadyGone's picture

Hmmm... what is wrong with these young people today??? THE PARENTS! Personally, I would drop a dime to HR about the drug use, and hope like hell they do a spot UA.

I am always amazed at the FB, Twitter, and Instagram accounts that I've seen. Um, HELLO! when you friend co-workers and your boss...we can see ALL of your stupid crap! LMAO!