Wakey-Wakey!! What do you guys think.......?
So I got home before SD13 today and had maybe 10 minutes of bliss. Then I discovered that she used the Keurig machine this morning. No biggie because she has done this before to make iced tea and lemonade. But we've been out of those flavors for awhile and SD13 hasn't asked for them, and why would she drink that for breakfast? Not unheard of, but anyway...... So, I open the K-cup tray and realize we're out of those two cold drink flavors, so I go look in the trash can. Yup, right on top of the overflowing trash are two of DH's bold K-cups from this morning and one of my Hazelnut K-cups. I don't drink coffee until I get to work, so it wasn't my K-cup. I look in the dishwasher and there are two coffee mugs. Yep, I took inventory. }:) I also took all the rest of my Hazelnut (my weekend stash) out of the pantry and brought it up to my room. Let her get jacked on DH's high-test stuff lol. She'll have to pee like a racehorse on that school bus.
I don't think it's right for SD13.5 to be drinking coffee. Especially since I've constantly reminded her to drink milk for breakfast. DH backs me up on this, the drinking milk part. SD13 hasn't touched the milk at all in three days. I'm going to leave a note in the K-cup tray tomorrow after DH leaves for work that says "Drink your milk and stop drinking coffee!" Am I so out of it because all of the teens are going to Starbucks nowadays?
My question is, do your Skids or Bios drink coffee and do you let them? I think SD13.5, who acts 7 btw, is too young for coffee.
~ Moon
Mine doesn't after they
Mine doesn't after they accidentally served him a large mocha with caffeine at 9pm and he was up all night. Now he's extremely careful to ask for decaf if he has a hankering.
The skids don't drink coffee unless we make a pot of decaf with a dessert, and then they dump in so much sugar and milk, it's not really coffee.
I've read about using coffee to get the ADHD kids going in the morning, that it works like Adderall (regular, not extended release). I'd love for us to try it with the skid that has ADHD because I think it's really mild (or not really ADHD) and coffee would be cheaper and easier.
I didn't start drinking coffee until later in my life when I had a job where I traveled and the offices only had coffee, and I was cold and/or tired. The only reason I had a coffee maker was for those times that my relatives came to visit. DH though must have started drinking coffee from his sippy cup.
For the ADHD skid? I would
For the ADHD skid? I would love to, but BM is a stealth-mode, special-forces, black-ops helicopter parent. She has decreed that the skid has a lifelong disease that he forever will need pills to manage. She monitors and quizzes him (and DH) on the pill taking. I cannot imagine ever trying anything else unless there's a court order to do so.
The BM in my life has decided
The BM in my life has decided that her kids have ADHD. She makes them take something called Seabuddies that she got in the health store. I think its made from the shells of crabs and lobsters. And everyday and all day she has to call them to see if they took their "focus pills"! OF course they tell us that mommy has to take "happy pills".
I started on coffee at age 4
I started on coffee at age 4 and have drank it every day since. My parents didn't tell me they gave me decaffeinated... until about high school. Then they got me the good stuff!
My SD says the kids at her
My SD says the kids at her school (rural school, one traffic light) like to go to school with a Starbucks cups and say "WHITE GIRL PROPS!" Roll my eyes. There isn't a starbucks for 45 miles from their school. But yes that is the culture right now
All I'm going to say about
All I'm going to say about kids and coffee is NO!
In kids with ADHD, small volumes have the reverse effect, and calm them, but again it's a 1/4 average adult dose that give a therapeutic effect in ADHD.
Google the risk of cardiac arrest in teens who drink caffeine beverages.
The most recent studies link caffeine use in teens and heart attacks and sudden cardiac death in teens!
Teens autonomic cardiac system is still too under developed to handle the effects of high caffeine beverages such as coffee and energy drinks!
If they drink a cup of coffee or energy drink and go to play their sport event, the risk of sudden cardiac failure triples!
Too dangerous! No coffee for kids in my house.
I have two teens who go thru
I have two teens who go thru about 3 gallons of milk a week. Neither of them like coffee.
I'll have to ask DH what he
I'll have to ask DH what he thinks. On a better note, I just checked and SD13 had milk with her dinner. Only because I reminded her. DH was working late. Usually I just let her do her thing, but I told her to have some milk.
So now she has a stye in her eye. Take a shower, wash your sheets and keep your dirty finger out of your eye. I don't care if it itches from pollen. It wouldn't itch if you hadn't forgotten your allergy pill three days in a row!
Now she wants an eye patch. OMG
I have a question - what type
I have a question - what type of ice tea is she making? Most teas have more caffeine than coffee.
It was Snapple and we had the
It was Snapple and we had the same box from last fall. She usually drinks apple juice and milk. No soda or caffeine.
I remember as a kid being
I remember as a kid being forced to drink milk. It literally made me sick to drink it. Turns out I am lactose intolerant. Some people can't tolerate or like milk. Perhaps you could get her some vitamins or some orange juice.
I have one kid who HATES to drink milk, I am pretty sure she may be lactose intolerant because she hated cheese and any dairy products.
I am not a parent who fights with my kids about food. I make delicious and very nutritious foods. If you don't like it, don't eat it, just don't ask for anything else. My kids eat all sorts of things, from sushi, grilled chicken to Indian curry's, and I have never MADE them eat anything.
Anyway, I would switch it maybe with a healthier solution like vitamins and water or OJ. But I would simply tell her that coffee is not an option, and that you will be counting kcups to make sure she is not drinking coffee because isn't healthy for her growing body.
I cant see the issue? Not my
I cant see the issue? Not my kid not my problem.
Its on DH to parent and tell skids what they can and cant have. I gave up being involved in doing "mother" things ages ago and its great.
Pasteurized/homogenized milk
Pasteurized/homogenized milk isn't good for you anyway. If you aren't drinking it whole and raw, and from a grass fed cow, you aren't getting anything from it except some calories and fat (unless you drink skim, which is WAY worse). My daughter (12) just recently started drinking my Bolthouse Farms Mocha Cappuccino. It's yummy.
Don't get me wrong. She
Don't get me wrong. She likes milk. She just FORGETS to drink ANYTHING and gets dehtdrated. Lol
Sally no caffeine or black
Sally no caffeine or black tea etc until my girls are 16+
I don't believe in it same as
I don't believe in it same as no sweets at all before age 3 and so on. No caffeine, tartrazine, sugar, artificial colourants, no meat unless organic etc
Sally, the kids go cray cray
Sally, the kids go cray cray with too much caffeine. Don't even get me started on OSD19's moods with her caffeine or lack thereof. LOL
Not really on my radar, I
Not really on my radar, I don't think I would like if they drank coffee but I wouldn't be upset either. Its her body.
I never let my bios drink
I never let my bios drink coffee! This isn't a coffee-drinking house, anyway. We drink tea mostly, coffee only occasionally, so we don't have a coffee maker. I want coffee, I go out for coffee. If I did go to Starbucks for a coffee, I would allow my bios a vanilla bean frap as a treat (as this one is not coffee based). They didn't drink a lot of soda...the most caffeine my bios got was from iced tea.
I also didn't allow energy drinks. It is my understanding that high caffeine consumption is bad for teens. I know of at least a couple of kids while my bios were growing up who had issues with the caffeine addiction of today's teens. One of BD24's friends had to be taken to the ER after having a really bad panic attack...heart was racing and they could barely breath. They supposedly only had 1 Monster drink that morning. One of the players on BS20's 8th grade football team fell out during a game, and it was also linked to the kid drinking an energy drink before the game (after that, the coaches did what they could to prohibit consumption of energy drinks during football season).
HHB, on the other hand, drinks a lot of energy drinks and coffee. Her sleep schedule is normally all screwed up...she claims she has insomnia and that is why she is up until all hours, and she falls asleep when get gets home from school. She would sleep an entire weekend away if you let her. And of course, her attitude sucks! Not sure if that is linked to the high caffeine consumption or not.
OSD19 is like this and her
OSD19 is like this and her schedule is all out of whack.
I have never been able to
I have never been able to drink the stuff myself. I love the smell of brewing coffee but when it hit my taste buds it is the nastiest crap immaginable. It tastes like the crap that gets drained out of an abused engine looks IMHO.
My dad can't drink the stuff either so I think it is a genetic thing. My mom on the other hand ... loves it. So does my bride. On Saturday AM I go pick her up her favority from the local goumet coffee shop.
I gave her a Nespresso machine for Christmas. She loves it.
I try to like it but just can't. The Skid can't stand it either. I think he gets that from me.
While DH and I are both BIG
While DH and I are both BIG coffee drinkers, he has never let any of his kids/skids have it until they were 18 (SD18 and her half-sister). PigPen12 constantly pesters us for coffee. DH says No Way In Hades. As a mostly disengaged SM. I support my hubby... }:)