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Medical Mom's picture

I previously posted about my checking account being looked at due to identity theft.... I went to the sheriffs office to see if they have any leads. In talking to the officer, I told him who I think is was and why. He pulled up her record and found that she has been a suspect in fraud before. Also found out that she has a warrent for her arrest in this county. The problem is, she lives across the bridge in Oregon ( I live in washington) and her warrent is a misdemenor so they cannot arrest her or make her come up here. We have a feeling that she know this because she refuses to meet us up here. It always has to be in oregon. Now, she has no drivers license she supposidly "lost it", and keeps telling us that she is going to get her license, we know that is a lie. How do I get her caught????? We feel that this is the only way for her to face up to what she has been doing for MANY years and not put her children through hell anymore. By the way I called DHS and they said they cannot do anything for us because all accusations for child abuse were not documented by a doctor or police official.


Medical Mom's picture

This person I am talking about is BM. She is in so much trouble with the law and yet there is nothing i can do to catch her. Or is there??

Anne Summers's picture

I'm not sure who has primary residence of the children here. BUT if you do then I would make her come to your home to pick up her kids. I'm not sure what the court order states, but if it doesn't specify I would make her play by your rules. If you don't have custody but have visitation (as long as you are not the ones that have to return kids) then I would make her come pick them up at your home.

I would advise the sheriff's office that you are trying to get her back into the county so they can arrest her. Ask them not to be in sight when she arrives so that they can catch her outside of a vehicle.

I would also call her county/city to advise them that she is driving without a license. They will actually wait around to pull her over. Then they can take care of the that particular situation.

My father had a warrant for his arrest for not paying child support (when I was younger). He never showed up for court until one time. They arrested him on the spot, hauled him off to jail and he couldn't leave until he paid the back child support. My mom also requested daily compound interest on all of the back child support. The judge happily agreed. Smile

Medical Mom's picture

We are weighing the pros and cons. We don't want the kids to see her be arrested and the only way that will happen is if we get her to come up here. In the papers it states that we are to take them home, but she also lives in oregon in which she is not suppose to be there. She cannot live 60 miles outside the county in which the divorce was done in unless she has state approval and our approval. She is in violation of that.
I called the county sheriffs office in the county she lives in and they said that " she has no servicable warrant in that county" but i forgot to mention that she is driving with no license. Maybe that is the way to go.
This what the picture looks like:
No license, no insurance, expired tags, owes $ to car owner (personal not dealer)no registration
Collecting welfare, working under the table
a boyfriend who spanks that kids, grounds them and supposidly treats her bad.
Warrants for her arrest in this county and poss. her county soon for not showing to court
what a list huh???
But yet, there isn't much to do about.