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We are now going to be going through family based counseling- per bm- just broke the news to us last night- but has had the info for a month now! GRRR- lack of communication sucks!

Also- we are enlisting psychiatrist help and doing an intake for him to attempt to get more assistance for him ASAP!. He went into daycare fine for me yesterday but at lunch time they had called both dh and I to come pick him up. He is not allowed to go back to daycare until he is either medicated or has a tss/bss/wrap around of some sort. He flipped tables and chairs threw chairs at staff and other children and had a huge meltdown at daycare.

So now this makes for a lovely weekend as tomorrow is the 4th- so just about everywhere is closed also Friday- and of course we have him Saturday at 5 through Wednesday at 5p which means that we are the ones stuck trying to find him childcare- bm has volunteered, but I think I'm rather lose pay by calling off of my shifts instead of having him go to her- and allowing her to play more of her games...

Per the lady that helped us find the family-based - she stated when they start in the homes- they will uncover some things that no one is going to want to know about- and I have heard great success stories for custody issues through them- so please please please keep praying- I'm at my whit's end and so is DH-

Pretty bad that after talking to the referralist, and bm had left the location- she told us- that she already sees that this is going to go one way- we are going to be honest and participate and bm and her unwilling to participate bf are going to screw everything up and not be honest- I said bingo- she never is anyhow...

DH hates the tension between everyone and I agree I hate it too escpecially bm and I- poor guy gets it from both her and I when there is an issue- but I find it so very hard to not have the tension with her anymore- I have literally almost bit my tongue off in her presence recently and that's just not cool!

I'm just really really stressed to the max with all of the garbage and bs going on- I have 2 part time jobs through the summer and the hours vary- (can't wait til school starts and with any luck I'm finally hired full time) so I have picked up extra shifts at one place and it really sucks bc now I am finding myself wanting to call off to stay home with him or am going to be forced to call off bc DH is out of vaca due to SS and BM refusing to take care of him during her scheduled times while he was sick over the winter and when he had his tubes done this spring when she didn't even bother coming to the surgery or wanting to see how he was doing until the morning she was to get him back- 2 days later after the surgery- sure it's tubes- nothing major- however it still required him to go under general anesthesia and she didn't bother coming, or calling- DH sent her a text and said everything went fine- and she never did any follow-up grrr

....I'm trying really hard to keep it all together- but thank GOD I have this place to vent because otherwise, I would be a complete mess-
