Who am I and what have I done with my me?
So, I promise to eventually reply to all the supportive and open comments I got on my first string here, describe the wonderful experiences Ive had since then, the new ring around my finger, how he put it there, all the happy gooey etc., but at the moment Im just miserable and need some of the immediate services this blog provides. With or without responses, this forum has saved much emotional strife and has significantly reduced my therapy costs!
But Tarentino-skip to now, we're engaged, and set to legally marry in the new year, then have a larger ceremony later when we can get everyone together and when we can pay for it. Its great, and I fully intend to go through with it, and am secure in my decision to hitch my wagon to his half ton, but apparently the ring box came with an elephant, we're keeping it in the corner by the bookshelf.
It had recently become apparent that he no longer wished to have children with me. Tarentino-flash again to the first two years (before the little 6 yr old paycheck deduction bundle of joy showed up), and he was trying to convince me to have A COUPLE of kids when we settled down, he originally gleefully spouted out -WHEN SS ASKED HIM IF WE WOULD HAVE BABIES-I might add (his mom was knocked up again, funny how easy it is for her), "I'd like to have three!" Of course this was to my utter terror, I'm still not sure what I want to do, or if I would like to breed, but I wanted the option, so the deal we made right there and then was one, MAYBE, and if not a dog. Tarentino flash forward, two wordy gunfight scenes and Uma Thurman later, he says he does not want to have any more children. I (summoning the emotional chill of Cthulu) advised him that that was not our arrangement, and he would do well to stick to his agreements. I compromised, I said IF I decide it would be ok for us to try, we would try for a year, and if it didnt work out we'd get a puppy. Hence my plans for a Belgian Tevuren.
Now he's starting to sound quietly bitter about even that idea, miserable about the thought, even. He expresses it subtly but its very strong, he DOES NOT want to try and have kids with me. Meanwhile, the closer I get, the further I slip from my original inklings of "ew, child." I'm not sure if its biology or psychosis or the weight of impending nuptuils, but Im starting to. . . w.. .whaa. . want a cchh. . .chhilld.... ohIfeeldirty. Ive never been excited about the idea. Ive always been scared of the responsibility and never wanted to even consider it until my situation was so secure I could plan around tree growth. While this personality crisis is incredibly concerning, it also amps up the hurt a thousandfold. He was once excited about the idea of us breeding. Even a tiny bit pushy for a little while. Then bonus kid shows up through DFS and he turns 30, and now its over? What? You only knock up irresponsible psychotic crack whores? You're willing to give two women who should be sterilized by the state, one pawning the government for free psychadellic and opiate medications, and the other working for cash under the table so she can sell pot and scam each of the 3 different dads that produced her kids for as much cash as she can get? But you're not willing to have one with me, in the home we risked my credit to get, in the family I struggled with you to build. I can go through giving you a home, helping your family when your dad died, write and pay for your divorce, your custodial child (in general), etc. but we cant have a kid. Right. I get it. No that doesnt devalue me at all.
Of course I was incredibly devalued when we met by my own attitude and experiences, I had just recovered from a lengthy period of depression, but over time I have grown pride and security, and I had a working partner through all of it, and he obviously has one too. Now Im proud of us and myself, and occasionally find a reason or two to spread my tail feathers and chirp the song of "Im So Awesome", and Id like to think my partner is proud of me too. Giving off the message, I'd-rather-die-than-breed-with-you, isnt really the way to show that.
And then of course, around all of this, Im not a big proponent of marraige in general unless its important and/or necessary. We have equity now, issue is we = ME, and that equity needs to be merged into a legally respected partnership so he can be secure in his home without having to approve and get on the mortgage. I of course also need to get him on the title but thats me being a slacker. Also, the whole reason Marraige was created as a legal arrangement in this country and not left as common law or a religious formality was to secure the line of equity and family inheritance. You marry as a couple to secure and merge your assets under your incorporated umbrella of ownership. All offspring are future board members of said equity/incorporation, and securing that equity in a legally recognized merger makes it difficult for any outside party to interject and take or dispute that property, equity, etc. Its a way to secure and privatize assets. If I have no offspring to take on said built equity, what in the hell am I getting married for? Yes, getting on his insurance would be brilliant and cost effective. No our state does not recognize civil unions so I cant do one of those instead. Yes I want him to be able to benefit from my social security, other financial benefits, and vice versa. Yes I also have this tiny glittery spot of childhood glamour left in a dark dusty corner somewhere that still has the pillowcase over its head and the clover bouquet. Yes my love for him is enough to satisfy said case-clad child - she wants a wedding but she's not unsensible, you have to love the guy, even though boys are smelly-gross and full of cooties.
So the wedding will still go on, our relationship will continue, and most likely I will cave, have my puppy and enjoy it thoroughly, and eventually be secure in my puppy-mommy lifestyle, but its supposed to be my choice/our decision, which we already made, and to experience that level of misery at the idea of having a kid with me is hurtful on a level I really cant express to him yet. Its making me bitterly hateful to SS, and I radiate so FDH knows this is bothering me, but this cant continue. He's gone back on a very serious agreement, Im werewolfing into a biological clock, SS is nervous but happy because Im leaving him alone but knows Im fuming about something. What in the hell kind of compromise can remedy this?
I dont know nuthin' 'bout birthin' no babies.
- Marie Antionette's blog
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This isn't fair to you. If
This isn't fair to you. If you aren't 110% happy, don't marry him. DON'T. Look at all the unhappy people here...they'd tell you to back out while you can. Your husband is supposed to be your partner and support, not a source of conflict and worry. Listen...cut your ties. Cut them. Please. Don't convince yourself to stay. You sound sad and it saddens me.
I have to agree, walk in with
I have to agree, walk in with your eyes wide open
WOW. This is an extremely
WOW. This is an extremely difficult situation and you should definitely discuss this before anything else happens. Right now you may be thinking that you would be just as happy with a puppy as you would with a child, but unless you are 100% sure this is the case, you shouldn't settle. Although you may not feel it now, this disagreement could turn into resentment towards him which will put a lot of strain on your relationship. Maybe you two can discuss why he seems to have changed his mind and hopefully this will lead to an agreement that both of you can be happy about. Becoming a step parent requires you to give up a lot, and you shouldn't have to sacrifice your right to have your own children in addition to everything else. DH cannot honestly expect you to raise someone else's children and take away the option for you to raise your own! Please keep me posted and I hope everything works out for you two. Best of luck
Yep, this is a serious
Yep, this is a serious serious issue for your relationsip, you can not get married. I dont see your situation getting any better it will get far worse when you are married. You are entitled to have children and it should most definately at least be an option.
I have 1 now with DH and he has 2 and even though i dont know if i want another one with him it still devastates me when he says he doesnt want more, that is because i feel the same way you do... he is willing to breed 2 with a feral maggot who gave him no choice but will not consider it with me. Now why should i suffer because some stupid troll trapped him when he was 18.
I say run... find someone who wants to have children with you, you will be 50 before you know it and regret like hell you have no children of your own.
I have to say I agree - When
I have to say I agree - When DH and I got together, I did not want to have children - EVER! But I found that has the clock started to tick, that my attitude changed. Right before we got married, I sat DH down and told him that my feelings had changed. I would be ok if we didn't have a child but I wasn't ok with not trying. And by trying I meant the old fashioned way - If we couldn't then we couldn't and I was ok with that but I needed him to know that I wanted to have a child with him.
If he had said no, he was done then it would have been a deal breaker for me. Yes I have my puppy but it's not the same.
Our DS turned 3 this past Friday and he's a blessing. Then my clock started ticking again and DH & I had another talk about babies. He was kind of done and I kind of wasn't. We agreed to try for a 4 month window and if it happened it happened - again I was ok with this. Window comes, we try and nothing - 3 week later DH ends up in the hopistal with a 100% blocked artery and we're both thinking this is God's way of telling us to enjoy what we have and to be thankful - Except a few weeks later I realize I'm pregnant. Now DD is 12 weeks old and yes we're done.
All I know is that if DH had not agreed to leave it out on the table - we would not be married today. You have to take care of you and listen to your wants.
Agree with the advice given.
Agree with the advice given. It would be a bad idea on a monumental scale to marry this man. I know you love him deeply, but you should not have to compromise something as important as wanting a child for yourself. That is a huge red flag waving in your face...siren blaring even...to think twice about this engagement and possible marriage. Do not settle. Do not compromise your wants and needs for his. It will only make you bitter and angry in the end and it will not do the relationship any good. You deserve the things you want out of a marriage...it is your marriage too. You are in the relationship too and that does not mean that you start compromising before you are even there, because what do you think will happen once you are married?
Thanks Everybody! I totally
Thanks Everybody!
I totally understand why his attitude changed. His ex had just settled into a normal situation with her new husband, so we felt it was safe to pursue his divorce (previously she would randomly threaten to use the shelter provided lawyers she had access to to take their son away, and he being completely broke and alone and single dad was terrified to push until he was sure how it would go). We were getting ready to move on that and start looking into planning our life together, then BAM a DFS letter shows up and he suddenly has 2 6 year old sons by 2 horrible women. He was absolutely crushed, and it was a really rough point for us, especially since he was so certain it wasnt his (he had asked her a few months after they broke up and she said no Im only x weeks along and I know its not yours), and they split because she had cheated on him ALOT, so we involved my mom to help with the legal aspects. Then the test came back and it was armageddon inside our heads for about a day. We made it through the next year of DFS financial and personal torture, but it was life changing for both of us, and absolutely crushing for him. It kind of cristalized when he met his "new" son and took him out for a day, and the kid was ruined. Had had several different men introduced to him as Daddy, and looks just like SS. Had this horrid female ever bothered to pursue the truth or at least tell him it could be his, he wouldve gone through all the hell he did for his custodial son with her and this child, and his current son wouldnt even exist.
Then there's all the horror he went through trying to take care of his current son, failing out of school, working 4 different jobs, mom in and out, and when in bringing all kinds of chaos and danger, relying on family and luck and credit cards, starving to feed his boy, Just being young and unprepared and a man with a kid. He actually got kicked out of WIC once when he went in just for formula assistance, the woman said - to him with his baby in his arms, "WIC, Women and Children Only, Sir." And turned him away. So I already knew he would be fishy about it when we met, and was really suprised to ever hear him say he wouldnt mind kids.
His family also tends to die around mid 50s, and he's scared of raising a child just to leave its life early. His dad died in his early fifties, the family was completely unprepared and his mom did not make the best financial decisions. That would sooooo not be the case for us, but I understand him being afraid about having kids again when he's at a point where most of his family has lived over half their life.
So he has reasons that I completely understand and support, and the past several years I was never hip to the idea of making a person, but we made the deal. He did agree and is going to do what we agreed to do, try for a year and then review/get a dog. So he is going to do it, and that's awesome, but he's just so miserable about it. I need to open up and talk to him, and I am a wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuussssssssssssssssss about talking about feelings, etc. except over text or on a blog
I know the second I say something he will be more supportive, it just hurt like hell, and it was an unexpected hurt since I was always kind of anti kid, so Im in a way changing my agreement as well, but Im not actually welching or anything. Im not sure its something I'll ever really want to do, and I know I wont regret not having a kid if I end up not, and so long as my inclination is baby-leaning he will give it a try and be uproriously happy if we succeed. All I have to do is ask him to respect my feelings the way I am respecting his per above. I have a feeling that wont be a hard thing to do, I just need to get over the hump and do it.
A lot of the hurt also stems from jealousy, of which I have in legendary amounts. I KNOW that is not his motivation, he is miserable for having his children the way he did, and it has nothing to do with his love and appreciation for me. This is an aspect that is all my own issue and I need to get over. He can help, and I will ask him to do so.
And sorry folks! I appreciate your advice, and lord knows I asked for it, but I am going to marry this man. The financial and personal reasons are strong enough to justify it, even with this dilemma, and I think we can hash it out. Besides, if it doesnt work out, he may very well die at 54. And at that age my family still looks good. So Im set. I just need to get him some life insurance and get all the help and manual labor out of him now that I can ;-)You will all be horrified to know I intend to have my ring design tattooed under my ring on my finger so I dont always have to wear it, so Im even permenantly emblazoning this decision. I know its the right thing to do for us and for me. Be sure to bookmark this so if in 20 years Im refreshing my paperwork you can totally call me on it!
Marie Antionette I love your
Marie Antionette I love your writing, you are very witty and self deprecating, but seriously, a puppy is no substitute for a baby and if you can feel an incy wincey bit of baby lust now you are likely to find you want a baby quite a lot in 6 months time. I am going to hope that you get pregnant really quick because your DH will undoubtedly find out that worrying about it was much worse than doing it (having another baby that is) and that it's a whole different experience having a child with a well balanced, loving supportive partner. Try to ignore his being miserable about it, honestly all he's got to do is have sex, you do all the rest of the baby making work!