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Lots to think about

MamaCherry's picture

So yesterday when I wrote my first blog entry I was so excited to be around people that understood and most of the responses were so awesome. I went in very naive though and probably started my blog with the wrong mindset but then, this is the place "where stepparents come to vent" ..
I was angry and fed up and everything was snowballing on me ... so all of the hate spewed out of me for my SD without mentioning that there is good as well. I felt relieved after getting it off my chest. These people would understand and it would be ok. Yesterday was I guess a cleansing of sorts for me to get the poison out. I let my feelings get the better of me on a couple of the responses.. well, one in particular. I was going to respond directly with all of my justifiable reasons for doing what I do or did... but since my maturity level was in question, I felt I should let myself calm down and realize that people are entitled to their opinions.. This is a public forum after all and I put myself out there. I have to realize people can and will be nasty or brutal.

That being said.. I hope that everyone on here understands, we are all fighting a similar battle. Blended families are not for the faint of heart. Aren't we here to commiserate and build each other up?? I completely admit to making giant mistakes. There is no handbook and every situation is different. Have I done things improperly? Absolutely! Does that make me immature? At times, yep.. absolutely!! Not proud but it has happened. Does that qualify having my maturity level questioned?? LOL NO!! Absolutely NOT. I in fact still hold my "adult card" no matter what anyone thinks. LOL
I have said things. I have been hurtful. I have lost my shit on more than one occasion from feeling so completely lost. I'm not perfect. You know what I am?? I'm fucking human!!!! With faults and regrets and fears and inadequacies!!!

But... I'm also proud of me. I'm proud of how I have handled most of this last 7 years. I am proud when I see my SD succeed. There have been victories and I really try to stay as positive as possible. I joined here to learn ways of finding the good as well... not just ending a marriage or being a bitch all the time. I actually do care about my whole family. We do have good bones to work with and counseling is probably coming.

For the record.. I did apologize to SD for blowing up about the keurig when she got home from school. I did go on to explain about common courtesy and maybe thinking about when youre using something think about the next person using it and maybe make life a little easier for someone. She accepted my apology and said "well I know one thing for sure, I'll never leave the keurig empty" LOL There's a win!!!

"Honesty without Tact is Cruelty"


Acratopotes's picture

MamaC - you know SD will leave that thing empty again.....

and belief me there's no good and any step child .... take mine... she has no self respect thus she respects no one... she's a pure 17...... thus no good and her hehehe

yes I'm the skid hating SM and proud of it!!!

simply relax, so what if you blow your top once in a while and tell the skid to fuck off, no need to apologize, they should be apologizing for driving you to that point IMHO...

enjoy ST and vent away, ignore what you don't like and respond on what you like

MamaCherry's picture

LOLOLOL I KNOW she won't!!
Thanks Acratopotes for that laugh! I am looking forward to being here and learning new things and venting.
Yeah.. mine is 16 and so is my BD.. so it's like having twins.. one evil one good.. both evil at times and even the BD being the evil and SD being the good.. theyre teenagers I do take that into account.. but some days are just relentless. I've never told her Eff off but I have told her shut the eff up as I've lost it with the bios too.
What does your name mean??

Acratopotes's picture

Luckily my bio is 3 years older them my pure bitch.... so nothing she can do is a surprise, I've been there...

Acratopotes - greek God of wine drinkers
Aergia (SD17) - greek Godess of sloth, laziness
Deigma (BS21) - ancient greek word for Monster....

Oh you never tell a kid eff off straight out - you learn to give them the go and eff yourself look... the one that makes them cry in a corner }:) and then complains to Daddy what a big old mean bitch you are... and your DH will have no clue cause you never spoke to the child your face was very friendly... and hell you even smiled when you greeted...

in DH's eyes not mean at all... but in skids eye.. yeah she got the message loud and clear }:)

MamaCherry's picture

Thank you Rosalu..
I will do that.
I guess I thought maybe at least get to know me before ya put me on blast. Cripes. It was my FIRST post. LOL
The skin will get thicker. You'd think I wouldnt be so sensitive by now considering WHY I'm on this site but.. lol
I took the lesson from it for sure. It did make me think about things!! Tough love I can deal with.. Not belittling and humiliation!!
Thanks for the welcome and thank you for responding to my post yesterday. I really valued what you said.