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What next. UGH!

MamaBecky's picture

So Saturday I load SD5 into our vehicle to take her back to BM's and wont start. It is turning over but acting like it's out of gas. The gas gauge is the one thing that does not work so I keep track of mileage. I look at the milage and it's low but shouldnt be empty. Oh well, maybe I miscalculated. So I call SD5's SF to come and get her and take her back to BM's. The next day, Sunday, SIL brings over 6 gallons of gas and dumps it in. Tried to start it. Still nothing. Great. Now I'm thinking my fuel pump has went out. That is several hundreds of dollars in repair. I dont have several cents let alone guess who is now out of vehicle? ME! So I'm bumming rides from co-workers this week to get back and forth to work. That sucks. How embarrassing. To top it all DH gets a call today for an interview tomorrow for the job he has been trying to get for months, yes MONTHS...since January actually...and guess who doesnt have a vehicle to take him to the interview? You guessed it...ME! He really needs this job. It is THE JOB. He has been trying so hard. I am so stressed, frustrated, upset. How am I suppose to get the girls when it's our turn to have them? Then once they are here, what are we going to do spend all summer cooped up inside or bored in the neighborhood because we cant get anywhere or do anything. Not the kind of summer I want to spend with the girls. I want to scream I am so frustrated and I'm sick of everything going wrong and being so damn broke.


alwaysanxious's picture

I'm sorry for your frustration.

It sounds like everything has fallen on you though. DH should find a way to his interview, just as you have found a way to get to work on your own.

DH needs to find a way to get his kids too.

MamaBecky's picture

Everything has always fallen on me. That is my role in my life. So when things go wrong for me, and the proverbial shit hits the fan, EVERYONE is screwed.

alwaysanxious's picture

Hmmm, well I guess they get to be screwed right now. Seriously, you couldn't help it and you are stuck. You can take care of your sole responsibilities right now. But DH needs to go ahead and step up to cover.

MamaBecky's picture

Thanks ladies. The vehicle ended up having a blown fuel pump fuse. I'm not confident that is the end of it, but it is currently running so I'll take what I can get at the moment. My co-workers are wonderful...they picked me up again this morning and then one of them let me barrow their brand new vehicle to take my DH to his interview. Still no word yet...waiting to see if he gets called back for a 2nd interview. We did find out that the first two candidates were rejected though so that made DH a bit nervous.