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The Dreaded Over the Shoulder Boulder Holder

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Well last night (Monday night) was the night to return SD5 to BM's. I was tired and a bit cranky but I always manage to put on a happy face. We went inside to go over SD5's summer work packet for school and to have SD5 give her SD (BM's DH) his fathers day gift we had gotten him over the weekend. Things were going fine until I informed BM that SD5 had put on one of SD14's (different BM)bra and was pretending to be grown up. BM had a mini-fit proclaiming that we were allowing SD5 to grow up to early, that she already acts like she's 15, and that she does not want her daughter to end up like SD14. Needless to say it was not the right day for her to make smart mouth comments. I informed her that she would be lucky if SD5 turns out as smart and respectful as SD14 is. (wont happen!) That SD14 although not perfect is one of the best behaved and well mannered teens I have ever met. I then informed her that telling SD5 that she cant strap on a bra and pretend to be older is no differnet then putting on a pair of my high heels and parading around in them. I then asked if she thought when we play house that we shouldnt let her be the mom, or when we play school we shouldnt let her be the teacher because we wouldnt want her to pretend like she is older then she is! Give me a break.

BM tried to say that she thought we meant we were going to have SD5 wear a bra daily under her clothes. I told her was for dressup purposes...and of course we wouldnt have our 5 yr old wear a silly she would look!

BM emailed me today explaining that she was stressed over issues she is having with her DH and her father. I told her that I understood...but really I just think she's an idiot. LOL