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Dear SD7...

mama_althea's picture

When you "find" something in this house, it is not automatically yours. For example, if I "find" $20 in someone else's wallet, it is not mine. I'm happy to give you stuff, but you need to ask first.

Even if you are the primary user of some item around here, it is not automatically yours. Don't cry when someone swings on the front yard swing. You are 7, not 2. Don't go sprinting out of the house when you see someone on it and insist you were using it.

It does not matter who had something first. Turns can still be taken.

Pretty shrewd that you still have your dad fooled...but the rest of us all know when you lie to get your brother and my son in trouble.

We can all tell the sound of your fake cry. One of the unwanted side effects from using it so much is that it is so recognizable.

If they were going to let you skip 2nd grade and enter 3rd grade straight from first grade, how come you can barely read, can't spell, and can't do addition or subtraction? I do not feel you are underskilled for a 7 year old, especially with being young for your grade...but I'm questioning the the qualification to skip a grade. Also, you'd think your Dad would have heard something about this. Could it maybe be...I don't know...untrue?

A couple turns into the game Sorry is too soon to either pout that you're losing or gloat that you're winning. It's Sorry. A lot of shit can happen. How about trying to enjoy the game?

Thank you for saying I'm the best cook. No sarcasm here. Really, truly...thank you.

This is Nickelodeon's fault, not yours, but every time you run into the living room to chatter about something because it's a commercial on your show, it's while something important is happening on what I'm watching. I don't want to ignore a kid because of a TV come on, Nickelodeon, sync your commercials up with the other channels.

Chips are not breakfast, lunch, or dinner. But you'd know that if your Dad taught you better.

Don't chase the puppies unless you want them to never come to you. Let them run after you instead.

If I can hear you in my bed with the door closed while you're talking to your dad in the very same living room you are in, you are talking too loud. But you'd know that if your dad taught you better.

Why is your Dad such an idiot? Why can he not correct you or teach you any decent manners or behavior? Why is he so defensive and ridiculously sensitive that he can't hear anything about you? I used to wonder why he couldn't see these things, but now I see he doesn't actually pay that much attention. Why do I wind up playing with you more than he does? I suspect he doesn't like you as much as he thinks he's supposed to. I understand why, and if he wasn't so defensive and sensitive, maybe we could talk about it...


LPS's picture

I'm sorry to say it'll only get worse with your DH not better. Started dating DH when his pita daughter was in 2nd grade and to this day she can NOT do anything wrong. He puts on a pedestal, makes me wanna :sick: .

mama_althea's picture

I know. What's weird, compared to other stories here, is that she doesn't call him Daddy (actually it's dad dad dad dad dad dad DAD DAD DAD), they are not physically affectionate, he doesn't give her the royal princess treatment. It would almost be easier if it were that blatant, because then there would be something more concrete to point to.

Oh, and I forgot to ask SD...just exactly how DO you chew that loud?

Elizabeth's picture

OMG, the chewing thing. SD used to chew so damn loud I wouldn't eat at the same table with her. DH actually made the excuse that "Nobody ever taught her to chew quietly." Are you kidding me!? It's not going to leap out of your mouth and run away if you don't grind it to death with your teeth. Gah!

sorryilovemydogmore's picture

I started playing music during dinner to drown out SS8's chewing. It was either that or not eating dinner with them anymore, which FDH was not crazy about. We keep reminding him, and he's getting better, but they eat like little animals at their mother's house. Seriously. She puts food out on the table and they just come in and grab things as they want instead of sitting down and actually eating a normal meal. They graze. Her overall style is what I like to refer to (when I'm feeling nice) as "free-range parenting." (When I'm not feeling nice I have many other ways to describe it.)

ctnmom's picture

Wetting my pants over here! I have one for CTBB:CTBB,you idiot,the army doesn't want you, they don't take people who's enabling MIL signed for them to drop out at AGE 15, and I don't care how high your IQ is,it doesn't matter because you dropped out at AGE 15, coincidentally the same age your slutty mother dropped out/had you.