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letter to sd 14 (no she did not get this, but my thougts and i feel better)- L O N G

somerg's picture

sd14 you're not as smart as you think you are and you are truly an a$$....2 years ago, i promised you a phone if you got your grades up. last year, before your grades came up i helped you set up an e-mail AGAINST your bm's wishes but with permission from your father because they were coming up but not "quite there". you understood loud and clear what the "rules of the game was" yet you decided while on a field trip with school that you would go set up another account in google so you could be free from "monitoring". I went into your account and saw the verification e-mail in your yahoo that you forgot to delete. I printed this entire "inbox" page for your mom and dad to see while at work since neither party at the time had e-mail to "see for themselves" and made sure this print out, CLEARLY showed your name proving it's YOUR account.

While your dad was on the phone (he said nothing about having a print out) with bm you LOUDLY made it clear you were disputing that you set up this e-mail and didn't even have something like this in your inbox and proudly claiming that I was lying since at the time i was the only one that had access to internet. We set you up PERFECTLY didn't take the print out to your house to show your mom until the next day, while at school you THOUGHT you were smart and went in and deleted it while in the school computer lab room (i monitored it all day and know your schedule). We took it to show bm, showed her when it got deleted cause you STILL failed to empty your trash bucket. your mom asked you to explain yourself while you are acting so hopless and like the "poor ole' me" victim hanging on to your mom's arm sitting with her on the porch acting like you had been abused and giving that "i'm the victim" puppy dog look. that sadly your mom bought. you then claimed "someone either tapped into my account or used the wrong e-mail address" then OMG bm i'm so proud of you. "then why did you say yesterday there was no e-mail in your inbox that even existed pertaining to this? no internet for you for a while-but it is possible someone tapped into her account" :? so you decided that you had enough of our attack and went inside and slammed your bedroom door shut and BARACADED your door! really? :sick: and your sister came out and told your mom this and explained to us that when she's in troubl she baracades her door :? YOU'D HAVE NO DOOR at my house...give it a shot, you'd lose your door faster than you could take the baracade down and have NO privacy! your mom ACTUALLY puts up with that?

fast forward through the next year to the last weekend we had you....making me a liar when I AM NOT LYING really PISSES ME OFF AND THAT AINT HAPPENING-i WILL search for a reason to piss you off and get you in trouble JUST FOR REVENGE-as your bm THOUGHT i was doing then-i wasnt' then BUT I SURE THE HELL AM NOW. even though NEITHER PARENT has given you permission, you decided without any interogation to "admit" that you created a new e-mail address and knowing you cleared out all your "bad" e-mails you decided to give us the new e=mail addy and password as we had been asking you to do for some time-yeah we know your mom doesn't have it because you're TOO DAMN PERFECT in her opinion and dont' need monitoring...YOUR A FN TEENAGER, i dont' trust one of them with MY LIFE. without interogation you admited that you lied about the whole incodent to get out of trouble and even had the balls to say to me just last weekend we had you "you wouldn't have known had i not told you" my response was "BULL S! i knew, but sadly your mom is blinded by your "angelic look" but NOT ME! so why hasn't your mom said anything to dh about that?" your response was "because i came clean to mom A LONG time ago and she said she wants to move on and not talk about it any more." ----YET ANOTHER LIE, i already knew this was a lie because your mom is good at making sure dh knows when you are in response "we'll see about that" boy did the sweat start building on your face! }:)

yeah i disengaged myself from you and gave you the silent treatment that whole weekend which you hated because i didn't want to "play with you"-YA THINK?. at the end of the weekend your dear father told your sister (because mom and dad don't communicate well) to make sure that you come clean to bm. so you finally did....LAST WEEKEND

well we caught you on so many lies....cause you had to think of another and another to back you up on the first one. :sick:

mom and dad FINALLY decided to put heads together. and she actually APOLOGIZED, she said to your dad, "i'm sorry for thinking sm was just out to get her in trouble and believing all her lies" :jawdrop: (is she sick-she just my be opening her eyes to your manipulating ways)-----the funny thing I AM NOW out to get you!

you know i'm the bread winner of the house, you know i'm the only one who has legal access to the money i make, you know i am the ONLY one that can reward you for doing good like i do (your mom could never afford to give you the rewards i do)

GUESS WHAT? VILLIAN is ready to come out. Per your mom YOU ARE SOO EXCITED to come out. YOU WILL BEG TO GO HOME once i'm done with you. I'm picking you up on my way home today you get a "long" weekend with your dear ole' daddy. guess what. your sentence is:

FOR EVERY LIE about this whole e-mail and internet bs you've given FROM THE START you get to spend an entire weekend with us being MY SLAVE, you will be doing chores ALL weekend long on the weekends you are grounded. you will have no electronics you will be writing FORMAL apologies to your mom, dad, ME and your two step sister's for being such a jack a$$ and for setting a bad your SOO GOOD AT DOING.

i'm so excited for you to come over too! Biggrin

even though you are only with us FOUR DAYS a month during the school year, IT WILL EVENTUALLY come back to haunt you and BITE when you LEAST expect're time has come my dear ole' wonderfy STEP daughter!


somerg's picture

o ttttrrrruuussstttt me...I'M NOT....any more, i got her a phone in the midst of all this, i've taken ALL material rewards from her and tonight wb her phone.......THAT'S HER SOFT SPOT

i've worked hard for them to accept me, but my give a damn is busted if i'm going to be treated like this in the long run

i found MY faults, putting trust in a kid who don't deserve it

and the sad part..her resolution was to NOT LIE bahaha, i knew that wouldn't go far

somerg's picture

i will for future reference, but she is not allowed on the computer at all at our house any more FOR SHIT and bm said she will not allow her on without her sitting RIGHT THERE-i'll suggest it to bm too