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Funny Coded Conversations in front of skids :)

Madam Hedgehog's picture

Riding in the car.

Me: Do you think the French would erect a levitation contraption if they were just going to have to take it down again?

FDH: The French? Sorry?

Me: I mean, if French people had just bought a levitation contraption and then gone through all the work to put it up, do you think that would mean they're not relocating after all?

FDH: French people have levitation contraptions?

Me: Some of them . . .

FDH: I have NO IDEA what you're talking about right now.

Me: You know, if we were to know some French individuals who had purchased contraptions for momentary levitation, what might that say about their immediate migratory plans?

FDH: Oh! Yeah, I don't think the French really put that much thought into things anyway, and since they called in other countries to erect the levitation contraption, they probably wouldn't care about how much extra work it might mean if they planned to migrate. You know how the French are . . .

And then we're both laughing.

We have the skids pretty much 24/7 so FDH and I have had to come up with creative ways to talk about things without them knowing what's being said. Basically, we were under the impression BM (who is of French ancestry) was trying to move soon (which has since been confirmed). However, she bought a trampoline for ss5's birthday, and I was thinking it takes an awful lot of work to put up a trampoline . . . and why do all that if you're just going to have to take it down to move in a couple weeks anyway. Welp, FDH was right. She had her brother do all the work so apparently it doesn't really register for her that taking it down right afterwards is a pain in butt. Since then she's often to referred to as "the French" or "the frogs" (as a joke; I have several close friends who are French) or "certain species of tree frog."

It's good she can bring levity to our lives every once in a while.


Madam Hedgehog's picture

I was hoping someone would find this amusing. We code talk pretty often, but I think this has to be the funniest instance so far. Smile