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How it all started...

Luna HG's picture

So I have been with BF for a yr n 4 months. He has a son (who is now 8 months old) with his ex. They were never married nothing like that. So BF and BM meet each other because of me. I have been friends with both of them for years. They start having problems so I try to help them out because there my friends. I ended up getting stabbed in the back by BM but ended up getting closer to BF. They split up but she got pregnant right before they split. BF and I get together and we stay together even thought i know she was pregnant. She had SS. She still wants everyone to think her and BF are together even though everyone knows BF and I live together. She like to start up pointless problems which gets me really mad and BF does nothing about the ones he can do something about. Some examples are that I tell BF that we will be together "to infinity and beyond". She goes onto her Face book and write the same thing. She steals the nickname I gave BF and does stupid little things like that that irritate me but I keep my mouth shut. Another example is SS got sick and had to be taken to the hospital so BF went along so he can get the story of what is happening first hand because the story changes when she says it. So she puts that shes having "quality time with her boys" which is so pathetic because she should be worrying about her son being sick not posting stupid lies like that. So there are endless examples of that and most I ignore because I know how she likes to start lies but there are some were I really get mad at. Depending on the situation most of the times I keep it to myself but when I do tell BF about it he doesn't do anything. He barely reassures me to make sure that everything is okay. So yea that is the background info. Smile


Luna HG's picture

I don't have her on my face book she has my sister-in-laws and she tags like everything to them so I am able to see it. Also they tell me when she post things either about me or about BF.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Tell SIL to stop telling you, that you don't need to hear it. And block anything SIL related from your news feed on FB. Or just take a break from FB for a while.

Honestly, though, there's really not much your BF can do about what BM is doing. While he can tell her to stop, it doesn't mean she will. Telling her to stop will likely only encourage the behavior if she's doing it to get on your nerves. Although I do understand that some reassurance or validation from him would be nice.

outofplace's picture

Keep ignoring her. Clearly she's only doing it to get under your skin. So don't let it. Anybody who deals with her on a regular basis will know how delusional she is. They'll know she's not with your BF. Sounds to me like this is a case of "our relationship is ending and I don't want it to, so I'll get pregnant and he'll come running back". That didn't work out but she still wants to live in La la Land. Life will only allow you to do that for a limited time. Reality is gonna kick her butt.