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BF's gigs

Luna HG's picture

Ok I have a question. So BF plays in a band and they have 2 gigs coming up and i've seen on their band page that BM is requesting tickets. she has gone to 2 previous gigs. I think it looks bad that shes going to BF gigs when she should not be there. also on one of the previous ones she went with BF's cousin which I also think is bad. Should I be bothered by this?


oldone's picture

Depends. If your is BF flirting with her, playing love longs to her, etc. etc. I'd be real bothered. bothered so much I'd boot him.

But if he is pretty much ignoring her then she looks like a love sick fool following him around. Who cares if BM looks like an ass.

purpledaisies's picture

OS she requesting them from him personally? If not and she is just buying them as a customer then I wouldn't worry about it. If she is requesting them from him or expects to get the free then yea i'd be upset.