SS crying like a baby...
I must be one mean ass ol' b*tch -- because I would be telling the brat to just suck it up already. But noooo... DH is catering to him, let me get you some water, why don't you take a shower, here's a cold washcloth, etc.
SS is crying hysterically, blubbering, sniveling, boogers running all over the place. Literally, acting like he's dying.
WHY is SS crying you ask? Because he, "doesn't feel good."
DH asking me, "Do you have a thermometer?"
Me, "No."
The kid doesn't need a thermometer. He needs to do the things you told him to and to stop crying.
Why doesn't the kid feel good? Because it's hot out. Ok fine, I get it. He feels like crap -- he's over-heated. However, the carrying on and over-reacting and the acting like he's dying and the HYSTERICAL crying isn't helping.
Rather than fostering the kid to be a pussy, teach him how to pull himself together when it happens to him again in the future, and teach him how to take care of himself.
The kid was literally acting like he was dying. DH was jumping through all sorts of hoops to make him happy.
Again, I've only seen my DH for 5 minutes today.
I get to watch him run around entertaining this kid all day AND run around treating this kid like he's a f*cking toddler. Cradling him like he's an infant...
OMG. And now it's the crying because he "doesn't feel good."
DH jumped through all sorts of hoops -- for the kid to stop crying IMMEDIATELY the moment DH said they could play a video game together.
Huh. Imagine that.
Looks like I don't get to spend any time with my DH tonight either.
I can't wait for this kid to go back to his mother.
- LRP75's blog
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they always turn up the drama
they always turn up the drama when it appears to be getting them somewhere, don't they? i've always been a bit cool toward bd17 when she cried about situations that were a part of life and that she had to learn how to take care of herself. like when she was going thru puberty and cried because the assholes at school were making fun of her acne. yeah, i wanted to beat their asses, and i felt awful for her. but i didn't let her know that. i told her she had to learn to tell them to mind their own business and stop worrying about what they think. they are NO ONE. they mean NOTHING. she can tell them that acne clears up, but ugly is forever. }:)
when sd was 12, she and fdh were wrestling around, and she got elbowed by accident. she started crying. fdh told her he was sorry, that he didn't mean to hurt her. the crying turned into straight up howling. i wanted to punch her right in the face and give her a reason to howl! fdh told her to knock it off, that ramping up the bullshit just because he said he was sorry was not gonna fly. she thought as long as crying got her an apology, maybe howling would get her-what? a shopping spree? i don't know, but she sure thought something good was gonna come of it. she hasn't changed much, either...
If I add up the last 4 days,
If I add up the last 4 days, I've got to spend a maximum of 15 minutes with my husband.
....I must be a huge bitch
....I must be a huge bitch too. I tell my pre-kindergarten students on a regular basis to suck it up and stop crying "because crying doesn't fix anything".
:O Don't tell their parents I guess
you're better than me,
you're better than me, because i wouldn't even care if blood was involved with sd19! she just better not be getting it on my furniture or vehicle! }:)
^ totally agree ^ I say,
^ totally agree ^
I say, "take it outside..." as I'm closing the door behind them.
DH just came to me, as I am
DH just came to me, as I am sitting on the sofa, to say:
"SS wants to know when we can play the Wii."
OMG. >.<
OMG. >.<
I got up to brush my teeth at
I got up to brush my teeth at a commercial -- which they took as a sign that I was, apparently, done watching the show that was only half over.
Fine. I can take a hint.
Well, take this hint asshole:
When you go to open the bedroom door, you are going to find it barricaded.
He. Will. NOT. Be. Sleeping. In. MY. bed. Tonight.
ESPECIALLY when I walked in MY bedroom to find that MY fan had been moved into SS's fucking room. DH asked me, "Is there an extra fan in the garage?" I said, "Probably." (I know there is). So INSTEAD of going into the garage to get the extra fan -- HE TAKES MINE??????? :O :O :O :O :O
I think I am about to lose my mind. Seriously. I am SHAKING because I am so angry right now.
i'd really like to kick his
i'd really like to kick his balls into his throat. ugh. this kid reminds me so much of sd19 when she was younger. i worked 3rd. i had to sleep during the hottest part of the day. she never complained once until she realized there was an ac in our room. then suddenly she was going to die and couldn't sleep anymore. she actually expected us to give up our ac to HER. little bitch. i swear if someone had given me a dog turd on a stick with sprinkles, she would have been pissed if she didn't get the same thing!
"i swear if someone had given
"i swear if someone had given me a dog turd on a stick with sprinkles, she would have been pissed if she didn't get the same thing!"
I so needed that laugh right now.
I should clarify that "D"H
I should clarify that "D"H took my fan. Not the SS.
But still....
Does your DH have a death
Does your DH have a death wish?
Apparently, he just took that
Apparently, he just took that shit to a whole new level.
He took MY FAN (which I can't sleep without) and gave it to his kid -- rather than going into the (attached) garage to get the extra fan.
What a fucking douchebag.
What were they thinking??
What were they thinking??
Unfortunately, my barrier
Unfortunately, my barrier didn't hold. It took him a major effort, but he got through it. When he started to climb into bed, I just said, "So much for that, huh?"
I'm looking at apartments
Maybe even literally. His
Maybe even literally. His sleep apnea machine is still in MY bedroom. You know, the room that now has a barricaded door.
When he whines tomorrow that he can't sleep without it...
Oh, I'm sure you can guess what my response is going to be.
Suuuure. It's ok to determine that I can forgo a good nights rest for your fucking kid -- just so long as YOU get a good nights rest.
His selfishness knows no bounds right now.
Oh I already took it back.
Oh I already took it back. IMMEDIATELY.
he will figure it out. one of
he will figure it out. one of the problems i had with sd when she lived here was always eating in every room in the house, leaving food and dirty dishes everywhere. i found a bottle of ranch on the nightstand in her room while everyone was in there playing a video game. i have no idea how long it had been there. but she had been told to eat in the kitchen ONLY. once again, she did whatever the F she felt like. i silently grabbed the bottle, stomped into the kitchen to put it away and very noisily stomped upstairs and slammed the stair door behind me. fdh knew exactly why i was pissed and she got to hear it from him cuz he knew he was gonna hear it from me. they know a lot more than they let on.
I am really sorry. I used to
^^^^^while reading a book and
^^^^^while reading a book and petting the cat with the tv off!
10.5 years old. By the time
10.5 years old.
By the time my kid was 7 -- he was field dressing his own wounds with hose water and leaves.
^ agreed ^
^ agreed ^
At this point I don't even
At this point I don't even care if we get divorced.
My life would be so much easier without this shit.
Let him have his pussy ass kid and his daughter that's gonna be swinging on a stripper pole in about 5 years. Hope he finds those relationship really, really, really satisfying -- for the rest of his life. Because it's about all he's going to have.
Or, more likely, some other dumb ass woman will come along. I sure hope she's a better woman than I am. For all I know, the problem really is ME.
NO...sweet girl, the problem
NO...sweet girl, the problem is absolutely NOT you - please don't say that. Your dh has his head so far up his ass he can see his lungs. How do I know this? Because I'm on the verge of being divorced from one just like him.
My dh once, upon realizing we didn't have enough pillows in the house when ss came to visit because ss kept taking our pillows to his nasty friend's house when he spent the night, GRABBED THE PILLOW FROM UNDER OUR SLEEPING 4 YEAR OLD SON'S HEAD AND GAVE IT TO HIS 16 YEAR OLD PUKE OF A SON.
He could have gone out to his truck like I suggested and get his brat one of HIS pillows - but no...he was too friggin lazy and apparently ss was too friggin lazy.
Please don't say that you are the problem - ain't no friggin way.
^ hahahahaaaa....^
^ hahahahaaaa....^
}:) }:) }:) }:)
Seriously, WTH is the problem
Seriously, WTH is the problem with these guys?????
no wine for me. it'll only
no wine for me. it'll only tick me off further.
i have to try to get some sleep. i have to get up at 6am because i have internship at the shelter all day.
i'm trying to chill out watching The Golden Girls and looking at apartments in the area -- hoping to find something I can afford.
I would NOT clean up after
I would NOT clean up after that either!!!!
I could understand it happening *maybe* once. You know, an accident. But for that behavior to be the norm whenever the kid gets sick? Oh hell no.
I hear the clanging of
I hear the clanging of flatware on dishes. Which means that "dad" and SS are eating while sitting on my sofa.
Way to teach your kid to fucking disrespect me even more.
I am so over this shit.
Fuck him and the horse he rode in on.
Exactly: disgusting. This kid
Exactly: disgusting.
This kid is emotionally stunted because everyone treats him like he's incapable. The kid starts crying hysterically every time the kid gets a muscle twitch and immediately wants his temperature taken. DH literally cradles SS like he's an infant when he's having one of these hysteric fits.
It's makes MY stomach feel ill. Can someone please take MY temp?? :sick:
::eye roll::
BM must take his temperature A LOT because this kid is always asking to have his temperature taken.
Honestly, I don't even own a thermometer. I always gauged my kids temp by putting my lips on his forehead. If he felt hot, I gave him some gatorade and a motrin. Then I just monitored him.
I will not put my lips on SS's forehead. Nope.
listen to that Godsmack son
listen to that Godsmack son "Crying Like a Bitch" while thinking of this kid. You'll laugh! I am!
I will listen to it later
I will listen to it later tonight. }:) }:)
Crying Like A Bitch" Strut
Crying Like A Bitch"
Strut on by like a king
Telling everybody they know nothing,
And long live what you thought you were,
And time ain't on your side anymore (anymore)
And so you tell me I
Can't take my chances,
But I told you one too many times,
And you were crying like a bitch.
I'm tougher than nails.
I can promise you that.
Step out of line
And you get bitch-slapped back.
And you can run
Your little mouth all day,
But the hand of god
Just smacked you back into yesterday
And so you tell me I
Can't take my chances,
But I told you one too many times,
And you were crying like a bitch.
And you wonder why
No one can stand you,
And there's no denying,
You were crying like a bitch.
You were crying like a bitch.
Lying dead by
Your sacred faded past times
Only time is your enemy.
Granted a second chance
To prove that your arrogance
Is stronger than you'll ever be.
Is stronger than you can be
Oh, stronger than you can be
Oh, stronger than you can (be)
And so you tell me I
Can't take my chances,
But I told you one too many times,
And you were crying like a bitch.
And you wonder why
No one can stand you,
And there's no denying,
You were crying like a bitch.
You were crying like a bitch.
You were crying like a bitch.
You were crying like a bitch.
Oh, Bitch.
"And you wonder why No one
"And you wonder why
No one can stand you,
And there's no denying,
You were crying like a bitch."
Godsmack rules bi! haha
Godsmack rules bi! haha "don't misunderstand me, just go away, you're cryin' like a bitch!" lol LRP, I know I'm getting to this post late, but why don't you say when he's blubbering, "oh, excuse me DH and SS, I thought I heard a little GIRL squealing in here!" Refer to him as a girl over and over. Maybe a dose of goo ol' fashioned SHAME & embarassment will shut his pussy mouth!