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I didi it

loveme's picture

Okay I did it, I got really pissed off when bm sent dh a txt at 1am. I asked why and he justified her reason. The reason being he borrowed money from her (did not tell me about it) so she had every reason to send the call back txt since he had promised to give it back that afternoon.
I called bm coa I was outraged. When I asked dh who had sent him the txt he said he did not know and since her number is not saved, I called and asked her why she did what she did, I told her to stop her games if she does want want apiece of of me.

As for dh I told him that if he thinks she is better than me then he stops wasting my t time and go back to her


learningallthetime's picture

I am not sure why your anger was directed at her? He borrowed money, did not pay back when promised then hid who called him. Regardless of if you believe she is playing games, she does not owe you anything and made no commitment to you, he did that. The anger here should be directed 100% at him. He is the one communicating and he is the one who can stop the communication. He is the one that borrowed money and did not tell you. If she is taking advantage of this, it is purely because he has allowed it.

FirstLady's picture

What type of relationship does your DH have with her? If my SO borrowed ANYTHING from BM I would be livid. At him!! BM is always looking for a reason to be relevant in his life and if he feeds into that I would strangle him. He can borrow money from me, friends, his parents, but certainly not her.

Disneyfan's picture

BM didn't do anything wrong here. HE owes HER money. HE told a lie about the text. HE hid the fact that he borrowed from her.

He was the one out if line here not her.

loveme's picture

I was not there when they gave each other money, she should have the decency to know when to call/txt not well after midnight I deserve that at least

Disneyfan's picture

If he had done the decent thing and paid her back
on time (or better yet not hone to her for money in the first place) you wouldn't have this problem.

RedWingsFan's picture

Your anger should be directed at your HUSBAND, not his ex. HE is the one who borrowed money and didn't tell you about it. And WHY ON EARTH is he borrowing money from his EX WIFE anyway?