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I didi it

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Okay I did it, I got really pissed off when bm sent dh a txt at 1am. I asked why and he justified her reason. The reason being he borrowed money from her (did not tell me about it) so she had every reason to send the call back txt since he had promised to give it back that afternoon.
I called bm coa I was outraged. When I asked dh who had sent him the txt he said he did not know and since her number is not saved, I called and asked her why she did what she did, I told her to stop her games if she does want want apiece of of me.

what to do

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Am confused on whether to confront BM or not. This is the problem , she calls DH to inform him that his friend is in police cells, later she calls and this is what she says, "You should take your friend's property and put it in your house"