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BM late on CS

lostmymind26's picture

DH and I have ss's full time for over 2 years now. DH filed for CS when BM tried to get welfare for them while they were in our care. CS got granted in jan for the amount of $320 a month. but we have yet to see a dime.
I was wondering if anybody knows if cs unit takes any actions on non payment? if so what kind? and how behind does she have to be before they take action?


PeanutandSons's picture

For us the magic number seems to be 5000 in arrears. That's when they get hauled in front of a judge....asked to make a payment. Their monthly due amount is then recalculated to account to the arrears SL that theoretically if she pays through 18 it will come out right. And her counter starts back at 0. So we get a payment every few years.

Both bm s are so far behind that its no longer possible to recalculate their payment to account for the arrears....the payment would be more than their income (or what it was computed at since they both don't work) can support. Bm1 probably owes us just over 20 grand and bm2 owes somewhere around 10. Both have fled the state to avoid their obligations.

nothinforya's picture

In VA, if you are going through DCSE for collections, arrears begin 30 days past the due date. They do follow up with show cause actions, seizing tax refunds, garnishing wages, etc. If BM works and they can find her, you will eventually get the money, even if the children have aged out of receiving support. Your state may have different rules. Have your DH contact the support enforcement in your state, but they probably have a website with a FAQ section that may give a time frame for her being served, etc. Four months is not much time for a state agency to act.

newmommy727's picture

My husband's ex was roughly $1300 behind up until a few weeks ago. Here in Kentucky they won't do much unless someone is at least $1.000 in arrears. They have garnished her tax return to get her caught up.

Kilgore SMom's picture

BM cs is only $160. a month and she has never paid a dime. That was set in the co. So DH file with the AG office to granish her wages. Hopefully DH will start getting something before SS is grown. LOL.

Jellybeam's picture

Where I live it used to be $1200, but they raised it to YES $5,000. My exH has been behind on cs since September of 2012.