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Every event must be tainted by DH with talk about adult SD's

LostinSpaceandTime's picture

Tonight DH and I had dinner at my friend's house with her DH and children. It was our Christmas get together belated. Everything was lovely. Yet still somehow on the drive home DH manages to sour my evening with mention of his Adult daughters. Something in the conversation brought to his mind how it related to his daughters and the one middle DD in particular. He says to me everyone is not strong like I am....and he goes on to say how MDD gets taken advantage of by people and how she is always the victim. All because I said if she couldn't come to visit him then the gift he has for her can be held till she does make time for him...since last year all she did was a drive by gift grab... Or even just mail it to her next time.

I never want to see this person again and sure don't want to hear about her. Especially at times when I have just enjoyed a time visiting friends.

How do I tell DH to stop talking to me about the skids? About anything. I am tired of fighting about them and do not see an end to his oblivion to how I feel. I must remember to bring up something about my ex when he does this , maybe then he will stop.

So tired of all good things being tainted by skids.


LostinSpaceandTime's picture

Oh...forgot to say...MSD is the criminal not the victim. He will never see her for what she is. Never. It is sad.

godess-clueless's picture

When he starts talking about his children, say nothing, change the subject, giggle and say "oh, really" When trapped in places such as the car, suddenly rummaging through your purse and acting as if trying to locate a missing item ( keys, a receipt, a pen ) At home it can be easier to just walk away while his mouth is still running. " Excuse me, I think I hear my cell phone ringing. Now where did I leave it. ( As I rush off to another room) or " Sounds like someone is knocking at our door." ( rushing off to check)

Raggles's picture

It is really annoying and i get it all the time.
It is quite hard to change the subject.
i just let SO rabbit on about SD18 &BM then when he has finished i talk about something else. I have learnt to tune out
if we are on the phone and he starts i just stay quiet. Used to be uncomfortable silence but i will not speak again until he talks about something else. Ive made it into a game.
Having said that i HATE really HATE that everything we do makes him relate it to BM or SD18