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Lying by omission is still lying dh...

princessmofo's picture

Yes, lying by omission is indeed, still a lie. I know this, you all know this, hell even small children understand this. But my dh, he just can't grasp the gist of it. I asked for a follow-up regarding the drama stirred up by BM or twat waffle, as I am now calling her, regarding the need for ss to see a "therapist" due to "anxiety". See my previous blog on fourth of July. Evidently, the "therapist" has been trying to reach him...since last week. A fact he neglected to mention, yet again. I found out because she finally called the house and left a message here, as well as several on his cell. I mean honestly, why bother to tell me? I just shelled out another $500 to his attorney for his ongoing custody case, so he's in the pink. He has nothing to lose now that I paid him up, so I have nothing to threaten with and he can revert back to his duplicitous little tricks. I have told him, he needs to be honest with me. It is terribly unfair to be blindsided by things, and hurtful. It makes me want to keep secrets from him. Anyway, just needed to vent that...


SMof2Girls's picture

It wouldn't make me want to keep secrets .. but it would make me want to keep my money to myself. I couldn't tolerate a man deceiving me while I'm clearly bankrolling the very thing he's lying to me about.

princessmofo's picture

Thanks. Truly it's the little things, like terribly clever nicknames, that keep me going thru this all.

oldone's picture

It would want to kick him HARD in his family jewels, turn him over and kick a stiletto half way to his nose.

HungryEyes's picture

Could. Not. Handle.

SO did this to me twice early in the relationship. I said 'Try it again MFer and I'm going, going, gone.' and he hasn't done it to me since. And if he did, see you! Don't give him any more money until he can prove to you he deserves your help.