Lord help me..'s Blog
Bald patches and eye twitches due to stress?..nice!
Well, about 5 months ago I went to go and get my hair trimmed and the girl told me it might be uneven because of my alopecia..WHAT? I asked her what that was, I dint have alopecia. She said I had a bald spot on the crown of my head. I had never noticed it because my hair is long, black, and thick. I said ok and she went about her business. I went home and googled it of of course, and then cried because I didnt know the extent on how it would progress. This is usually a stress driven condition my doctor says..Take it easy.. Umm.. NOPE.
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Just a little message of encouragement..mainly to myself! :)
I think we can all agree that step parenting must be the most difficult thing in the the world. We have up's and down's, week points in our relationships, week points in our souls. But when things get extremely hard, just know that all things happen for a reason. You are placed in your Skids life for a reason. And hopefully you will be able to teach them something that they would have never been taught, or give them a different kind of love that they wouldn't necessarily get from their own parents. It is truly a labor of love.
I would like to urge BM child counseling for SS..How do you think that's gonna go over..
I a urging DH to talk to BM about some sort of counseling for the kid. The last time we brought up something like this with her, of course she was in denial of any sort of problem. For one..If it is in the best interest of him I don't thing the issue should be as big as she makes it seem to be, and for two.. I think that if we wait any longer his behavioral issues will only worsen. He is intellectually at a 3-4 year old level, although he is 6 soon to be 7. He cannot use the bathroom on his own, shower on his own, put a shirt on on his own. He talks baby talk.
THIS CLOSE---to spanking the skid!
Ugh!!! This weekend my SS6 came over and as usual..turned my household into a tense, chaotic, war zone. I had him along with my children Saturday and he behaved for about 4 hours. SHORT LIVED! I gave him the responsibility of following my one year old around to make sure he didnt put anything in his mouth or get into anything that he wasnt supposed to while I packed up to take the kids to a birthday party...HE SPANKED MY BABY!! WTF!! And it wasnt a love tap.. it was an out right swat. I was pissed and started to yell at him.
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My kid told her kid his mommy was mean, ugly, and she takes peoples money!
That was after Skid put my son (same age) in a non provoked head lock at wouldnt let go. So...
I dont wanna hit the kid, I WANNA HIT THE MOM!!!!
Coming down from a very very stressful skid weekend that left my stomach in knots. My life goes from one extreme to the next. I am so happy and blessed with my life, my kids and my hubby. We hardly argue, or even disagree for that matter. I have no drama in my life.....Until the Skid weekend comes. There is ALWAYS an issue that BM(bowel movement, bio mom, whatever..) has to address. She is a control freak with a lack of self control. Shes self righteous, thinks the world stops for her (not just with us), she seems to have "parental alienation syndrome".
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Sunday freakin night...you could not have come any sooner!
Thank goodness I survived the weekend. But just barely. I was kinda ok friday night, had an anxiety attack on saturday and a bitch fit today. and the DEVIL SPAWN has now been returned to its rightful owner.
Why is it that whenever my SS5 comes over my BS's always go crazy and think they arent gonna get into trouble. I cant take that crap. I am pretty sure its because SS gets away with murder and they think they can too. Well, they all got it from hubby Saturday night. They had attiudes, and they were definitely checked!
It is my "on" weekend and Ive got a drink in my hand to cope!
Just got done having a two our discussion (That we have had pointless times before)about the my stepson not following the rules in my home, smothering my baby with dirty hands, tension that seems to build between my hubby and I only every other weekend, And me being put into a position where I am the one knit picking about everything the kid does. He knows the rules, he just doesnt follow them. I am tired of having to make an issue for dad to do or say something. I wish i could just wiggle my nose (I dream of Geanie) and Dad take care of it, or even acknowledge it.
Possessive (borderline) abusive 10 year old?
We recently had a death in the family, and one of my family members is a single mother with a 27 year old son from her first marriage, and a younger son who is 10. At a family gathering I was bothered by how the boy interrupted his mom every time she would start a conversation with stupid stuff, and at one point she was talking about buying her older son something and when the 10 year old heard he grabbed her arm and whispered something in her ear, she then responded to the boy with..."Let go of my arm, you are hurting me!". This worries me. Should it? Am i being paranoid?
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I think I just found my new favorite website!
Hello to all that read..
I am a BM to 3 wonderful boys, ages 7, 5, and 4 months and also a SM to a 5 year old boy. My issues sound all too familiar with the most of you. Heres how my story starts..
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