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It is my "on" weekend and Ive got a drink in my hand to cope!

Lord help me..'s picture

Just got done having a two our discussion (That we have had pointless times before)about the my stepson not following the rules in my home, smothering my baby with dirty hands, tension that seems to build between my hubby and I only every other weekend, And me being put into a position where I am the one knit picking about everything the kid does. He knows the rules, he just doesnt follow them. I am tired of having to make an issue for dad to do or say something. I wish i could just wiggle my nose (I dream of Geanie) and Dad take care of it, or even acknowledge it. I thought that all these weekends I was being the unreasonable, bichy one. I was absolutely fine when hubby arrived with the kid, it was he who gave off that vibe. Im sure I could handle this kind of thing had it not been like this every weekend for the past year and a half. }:) }:) }:) }:)



I know what you mean about the hubby giving off bad vibes!
When we first started dating he didn't want me to meet SD10 bc she was, "too fragile" from his divorce from her crack whore mama! It was like I was "the other woman". I fully believe that I still feel this way today even though we are married bc of this. When I did meet her a few months into the relationship, he introduced me as a friend and we all went to see a movie. I really liked him so decided that as long as I got to meet her this was acceptable. WELL,,,,,that didn't last long and finally told him that he was either going to tell her the truth or I was out! He did tell her and she was fine with it! I still have resentment for this and several other things but it started with this one instance. Hopefully it will get better!

herewegoagain's picture

Can you send me a drink too? It's bad enough with these crazy husbands & ex's...but eow was horrendous!

Lord help me..'s picture

Thank you guys for responding. I swear its the same damn thing over and over again. My resentment actually started with an email from Lucifer(Lucy) the bio mom. She somehow through a friend of a friend, got access to my facebook pictures. I had posted a great picture of my boys along with SS and she demanded I take it down. She also made it very clear that I WAS NOT her sons mother, nor was I a "filler parent" and it was disrespectful of me to have captioned my pic as "My Boys". Since then she has basically tried to regulate and control every bit of relationship I had formed with SS. She has also invited herself to several of hubby's family get togethers and even ruined this past Christmas dinner by showing up at my mother in laws house. She is so suffocating that it has made me want to erase that whole part of his life..including the kid. If there were no kid, I wouldnt have the thorn in my ass!

herewegoagain's picture

You know what the funniest thing about this whole thing is? That these crazy women don't want us to be "the mother", because THEY ARE THE MOTHER, not us...yet they STILL want to be THE WIFE to our DH's, although WE are the wives and not them...gotta freaking love it!

In addition, you are NOT the mother, but if your DH heaven forbid loses his job, guess what she believes is her right? Yep! You got it! To take YOUR money to pay for HER kid that is NOT your kid...they are truly full of it!

stepsonhatesme's picture

You are completely right... Our BM doenst want me to be the "mother" but loves to point out that "since your married to DH you need to fill in when he isnt around, It's your responsibility"
like watching SS, running him around, buying him things he needs, doing favors (aka when shes too lazy to do something). It's so funny

Lord help me..'s picture


Im on it! Legally we are not married. I told him I wasnt going to until the kid turned 18. Luckily (and I feel guilty for saying) there is actually a question of paternity. She told him she was pregnant about a couple months after one of the many break ups they had. She had been hanging around an ex of hers at that time too. The boy looks nothing like him and his family have also questioned it. From what he says, he felt bad, took her back, was pressured into marrying her and then got a second job just to stay out of the house. They were only married a year. We are in the process of modifying the CS order and also visitation. By law if a child is conceived out of wedlock, paternity must be established. They were not i guess we will be finding out soon enough.

herewegoagain's picture

Is that a new law? I wasn't married to idiot my husband when we had our kiddo...he just signed papers at the hospital...he never went anywhere else to establish paternity, like a court or anything...hmmm...I wonder if I divorce him now, if he'll have any rights...

Hope it goes well for you...where do these women come from? How many men can you sleep in such a short span of time to not be sure who your baby's father is...geez.

Lord help me..'s picture

It really isnt the kids fault. In a sense I feel bad for him. But the mom basically makes life hard for all around her. Even her own family. She is 31 years old, could never keep a job, living with mom and dad, and is on her 3rd year of a 2 year nursing program. WINNER! My hubby was her golden ticket.

herewegoagain's picture

Nope. Not the kids fault. But kids have a RIGHT to know who their bio-parents are. All kids should be submitted to DNA tests at the hospital. Period.

Lord help me..'s picture

I think its a great idea for hospitals to do a mandatory test at birth. That way asshole dads wont be able to prolong support for their kids, and hoe bag moms wont be able to get a free ride. It takes a special breed of woman I tell you! I could never imagine putting anybody through that. Id be ashamed of myself.

Lord help me..'s picture

I cant believe Im losing sleep over this Guess I should hit the hay for now. Im babysitting tomorrow while hubby goes to!

simifan's picture

Grab the baby, go out for the day. Let DH handle SS. Better yet, go to the spa & let Daddy Dearest take care of both.

Lord help me..'s picture


Im on babysitting duty right now and the kid has been crying for his mommy for the past 2 hours, complaining that his head hurts, then he limps and says his leg hurts, then his ear hurts. I sent him to the room to go to bed since he "doesnt feel good".