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Need Help With Xmas Issues

Longtime Step Mom's picture

Married for 28 years. Husband recently passed away. 2 adult BD and 2 adult SD. Over the years Christmas been stressful,due to the fact that my 2 adult SD give gifts to each other and not to my 2 BD at our Xmas get together. My husband, myself and 2 BD always felt this was not a kind thing to do, but my husband, fearing rejection from his BD would not say anything to them. All gifts from my husband and myself were and are now always approximtely equal in to the kids, their husands and grandchildren. Even included is the son of my 1 SD's live in boyfried, whether he attends the get together or not. It got so tense that my BD did not want a joint celebration anymore so we ended up with 2 Xmas celebrations. Since the death of my husand, the kids have been working on becoming more of a family. We all wnet on vacation this summer and everyone had a great time.

This brings me to this Xmas. We have a planned get together for all and I have reuqested that the giving of gifts be equal, i.e. no gifting to your sister and not your stepsister. If you want to give only to your sister do it privately. My step son-in-law thinks my BD should just suck it up and that it doesn't really matter and that the important thing is to be together.
I need some confirmation that I am not being petty and that this is the right way to handle this.


stepmom008's picture

You're not being petty - they're being selfish. How can you be a family when they're picking and choosing who they want to be family with? That's outrageous. Maybe you could suggest that if they don't get gifts for everyone, then there should be no gifts at all.

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

Longtime Step Mom's picture

Thanks so much for your input. Xmas without my husband is so hard. Your confirmation and comment helped alot.

kidsaplenty's picture

Maybe suggest that the grown ups all have more then enough and you all buy for the kids and draw names for each adult to buy for one other adult (any other gifting could be done in private).

herewegoagain's picture

I am amazed you still allow these skids into your home after your husband passed are a saint in my book...