May 26
My husband has been out of work for about 2 weeks due to an injury. He has an appointment in about 2 weeks so he will be out at least a little while longer. The initial talk included possible surgery and/or burning nerves, but the area is too inflamed for a scan to show anything useful. They told him to use it as much as he can without aggravating the injury. After that I believe they are supposedly returning to the office.
It has been stressful just because of the uncertainty. I am not financially stressed. I was laid off at the beginning of the year and found a better paying remote job (that is understanding of the fact that our 3 year-old is at home) before my severance ran out. I encourage him to look for another path as he has been unhappy with this job/company from the beginning.
He filed his taxes on the last day and the IRS rejected his return because the program he used changed the EIN from his company after the return was submitted. I looked at it myself the EIN is correct from the tax return. Stuff like this continues to happen with him and it's weird and annoying, but not 'technically' his fault.
He has been cleaning up more, which makes me a little happy. He is actually sweeping/vaccuming the stairs right now and asked me if I was on the phone/in a meeting and is it okay if he continues to vacuum upstairs. I said, "Yes, it's okay; thank you for vacuuming".
Monday, he said something to me about 'not cleaning a pot' after a meal and I said, "I don't want to hear about me not cleaning one pot when you rarely clean." I walked out the kitchen and went back to work and he actually cleaned the kitchen and didn't say anything else to me about it.
He has been more attentive to his son, which also makes me happy in a weird way.
His son has been going to physical school the last 3 weeks. They're supposd to leave at 7:30a, but his son is generally not ready. This morning he was talking to me about how he's not been ready to leave on time in 3 weeks. He says his son is doing what he wants to do at my husband's expense. I just listen. Husband had a conference with the Algebra teacher and the teacher told him if his son passes the final test and turns in the homework packet, he can pass him. Son did not turn in the homework packet that was due last week even though husband sat down with him and worked on some of it and told him to turn it in early. However, son says he thinks he did well on test. He was glad to go back to school because he 'learned a lot' of stuff he 'probably should know'.
This kid is not turning in work and I just don't understand the purpose. His Mom is picking him up Friday for one month and Dad says he isn't going with any electronics. My husband said he is done with this 'whole permissive thing' (He was afraid that his son would want to go live with his Mom). They're both actually 'afraid' that the child they have custody of will want to be with the other parent. Anyway, I will believe it when I see it.
- LoftyDreams's blog
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