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How much are tattoos? SS is getting one for BD

LizzieA's picture

Well, the CS clock just stopped and SS is now 18! The last few weeks SS has been all about getting a tattoo on his birthday. And his sister is bragging about taking him!

This kid has crashed a vehicle (DUI), been to court numerous times, can never save enough to come see his dad (we go there a couple times a year), etc. And he needs musical equipment that's quite pricey. (always breaking things stupidly)
So just curious what the latest reality show lifestyle decision costs.

And please, if you have tattoos, great, this is more about the choices the kid makes.


Milomom's picture

Snickersgal, your story will probably be EXACTLY what happens between my FDH & FSD16 at her graduation party in 2012. She has been asking for a tattoo/piercings for about 2 years now (at least)!! "Mom says she doesn't care if I get a tattoo/'re the ONLY one who has a problem with it...I'm just going to do it anyway, I don't care".

Skids being taught to waste their money on tattooes (in our case, by the BM, she has recently gotten a rather large one that covers her entire back!!)....Pfft!!

LizzieA's picture

It just gets me, he thinks a tattoo is defining him as an adult....hard to believe he and SD are DH's kids. They are so attracted to the "dark side" when they could be leaders of their peers.

Milomom's picture

LizzieA, I agree with you 100%.

Very financially sound/responsible decision of your SS18 to get a tattoo (sarcasm dripping) - and for the reason that it will "define him as an adult"??? Really? What the HELL does THAT mean, exactly?? Sounds like some bullshyte general/vague response he created that he, himself, probably doesn't even understand the meaning of. Yep, sounds just like where my FSD16 is the "dark side" and on the express train to "Loserville" - JUST.LIKE.HER.MOTHER.

CONGRATULATIONS, by the way, on the CS$$ (legalized embezzlement) ending!!! Whooo hoo!! You officially have the BM off your payroll!!! I'm envious. So how much monthly $$$ will you finally have available for you & your DH/SO/BF to ACTUALLY spend on SS/yourselves instead of wasting it sending it to BM to spend on herself?