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Day 6 of SD & SGC visit.....Help!

LizzieA's picture

Drinking heavily here folks, LOL!

Back story: I believe SD is likely bi-polar as she has rages, is impulsive and can't control her mouth. Has insulted everyone in her family, including me, but still hits them all up for help, esp since she is now a single mom. Still lives with BM, did go to school and is now working, at least. SD was a factor in the breakdown of DH's marriage as she was abusive to her dad for years and BM was a wimp and let her disobey him behind his back.

We thought things were better after SGCs birth--she was civil to us and even sent DH a lovely Father's Day card expressing her appreciation. A big milestone.

So, we live a plane ride away now and she wanted to come visit. We were kind of excited about it and it would be the most time DH has spent with his grandson. We met them at the airport and first thing, she gave SGC to DH and didn't really greet either of us. No hugs. We got her luggage, I was trailing behind pissed already. At the car, I helped put things in and turned to her, deciding "screw it" and said, "Give me a hug, you little..." She did, then said, "Oh, I haven't even hugged DH yet." No kidding. So she hugged him in the car.

She was chatty and friendly on the ride, tired of course. And basically fine to me and her dad. We had a few nice outings. But then the cracks soon began to show. DH feels like she dumped baby's care on him--he is almost 2 and rambunctious would be a nice word. I was busy doing work stuff--I couldn't just let everything drop because she was here. She also refused to take a car and go somewhere with him, like the park, as was the original plan so we could work. "Oh, I can't drive around here!" Note: we live in a small city, it's not that bad. So DH has been on child watch, alone a couple of times when she went shopping with me and to an event.

First mistake: DH didn't really zone in on how long she would be here. 10 freakin' days. Another thing, we have been paying for just about everything....she had promised to chip in. DH even bought diapers. We don't mind "treating" a family member but she got a little pissy when I asked for a few ones for a park entrance fee (needed change, no attendant). Then I got change while buying candy, handed her the $4 and she gave me back $2 for her and GSC's candy!

Last night DH finally let loose--to me, of course. We had gone out to eat (our treat natch) and GSC had to run around the restaurant. It's a pretty loose place, the owner has a child, so it was OK. But when DH objected, she was like "DAD. HE"S 2. HE HAS TO RUN!" Hello, snot, your Dad raised you and your brother and neither of you acted like that. So we left, SD all huffy, and DH and I went for a ride.

He ranted, saying she hadn't changed, was evil and selfish, and had spoiled that kid rotten. I told him that I wasn't going to be able to do much to take up the slack or confront her, since she and I don't really have a relationship. The kid is just now starting to interact with me (although he was good for me when they went to the store) but he did know his GP, apparently she'd been coaching him for months via photo. None of me at BM"s of course, LOL.

Anyway, long story long, there's an option of taking her to DH's brother's kids house (he is dead) and having her stay there for the weekend before she leaves. He thought she would object, but I saw on her FB last night, "going to xx's for the weekend." Maybe she thinks that will hurt DH and he'll beg her to stay. Ha ha. Otherwise, another 3 days of preventing GSC from destroying stuff while princess sits around. She has the least curiosity or interests of anyone,...oh, except BM. Unfortunately, she got more of the brains from that side but the psycho narcissism from DH's great-grandmother, aunt, and sister.....I do feel bad for him. It's very disappointing to realize your spawn aren't that nice.


LizzieA's picture

Maybe he's partly to blame....all I know is he fought her tooth and nail once her illness manifested. She called him "sperm donor" defied and swore at him, got into trouble with the law (fighting!!) and drunk driving, dropped out of HS at the last minute, etc. He finally gave up, and about that time bye-bye marriage. He did everything for that family and BM took advantage of him -- she was out "working" while he did child in my view, he did his best and certainly has not played guilty daddy since I've known him.