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Court on Friday, Can you help?

Lise's picture

Well, we have court on Friday and the Social Workers recommendations will be up.
What can we expect? We really don`t know how much weight this report by the Social Worker will hold and wondered if any of you could advise us please?
We`ve given lots of background info to the SW and we think she`s realised we`re not bad people and just want to do the best for SS. Hopefully the SW can see what difficulties we`ve had to put up with from `The Bitch`.
The Cafcass officer who`s assigned to our case can see what kind of a nasty manipulative person BM is and was the one who recommended the SW get involved but who`s opinion is likely to be more beneficial for us? Does the SW or Cafcass officer have more clout?
I`d really appreciate any advice as a lot of SM`s here have gone through so much themselves.
