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You wanna stick your head in the sand. Well, I guess I can pack up then?

lillfiredog's picture

I sent those texts to DH last week. I have to check my last blog to see the date. That night, I asked him if he had talked to his kids. He says no, but he is clearly annoyed. I said well they haven't been here, I want to use the rooms upstairs... etc. He just looks a little annoyed and says NOTHING.
So, I said, well I would like to make one of those rooms a craft room. He said NOTHING again. I felt like he was irritated, so I asked if I was being unreasonable. I said, SS20 hasn't been here for four months. Don't you think we should at least get the courtesy of knowing what the plan is? (his stuff is stinking up my spare room/ soon to be craft room)
DH says no. So I am not being unreasonable. Well, darling DH, you are on night shift tonight. This lilfiredog is gonna clean up the house. I am not waiting for ass kissing time, for what they are doing, I don't really give two sh*ts. Honestly, he said NOTHING at all.
What would that mean to you guys?


lillfiredog's picture

Yes? Packing it up? Redo the room without another word to anyone.... I am so f*cking sick of this sh*t. I don't think my DH has one single itoa of knowledge as to how much this is affecting me.

hereiam's picture

They are no longer minors and they have been living at BM's all summer. To me, this means they have moved out.

Teas83's picture

I would absolutely clean out the room and do whatever you want with it. The kids are too old to be living with you anyway. It's your house and at this point you shouldn't be allowing your step kids to dictate what you do.

If your husband hasn't expressed a strong opinion one way or the other, just do what you want.