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Just an update on me and ds

libbie's picture

Hi everyone, it's been a while. Sd and best friend got into a fight when sd stole her friends boyfriend. So best friend told her mom what really happened with ds and sd and mom came to see me. Her best friend gave a statement to our lawyer and the police. They dropped the charges. Sd and her friend told ds excatly what they wanted him to do and when he should do it. She admitted they set him up because sd didn't want to live with ds and me because of my rules. She was successful. I called ex and told him but he didn't beleive me. Sd is still an attempted rape victim to him. Sd found them an apartment and has been setting ex up on dates with women so she can go do what she wants. She has complete control. I'm sad and disgusted ex is allowing this. I filied for divorce but nothing is really happening yet. I filied for bankruptcy. I have nothing left with hospital and therapy bills. Bs isn't doing so well. He is seeing a new therapist and is staying with my cousin in another state. He threatened to run away if I didn't let him go. I can't move due to work and i need to get the bankuptcy done. Bs wanted to move because he wanted freedom to go out without running in to people who thinks he is a rapist. No one knows him and its a small town but he isn't really acclimating. He took bear with him so at least he has comfort. So thats about it for me. I filied on everything except my house so that leaves dh holding some major debt from credit card bills i paid for bs therapy and hospital stays. I say screw him and his horrible dd!


Acratopotes's picture

oh Libbi thanks for the update, I'm glad BS and bear moved away,

Now get that vile man and child out of your life, start looking for a new beginning in the same state where your son is currently, stop contacting your exDH, settle the divorce and the bankruptcy and move.

Hang in there, you will be fine, from now on you can only go forward, the best news is all charges where dropped.

Livingoutloud's picture

How did SD find them Apartment and how she sets up dates for her dad? Isn’t she still in school?

Acratopotes's picture

ads in the local paper, internet....

Aergia registered her dad on a singles site and pretended to be him, to piss me off...

libbie's picture

Hi livingoutloud,

Her friend said she dragged her dad to a bunch of different ones and picked the one she liked the best and he signed the lease.