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No More F*cks Can Be Given This Day

LemonGrassLove's picture

Unfortunately for Moby, that means my mean side comes out. I try very hard to keep my karma clean but sometimes, like today, I just have no more bullshit tolerance left for B*tch Face.

I'll start last night. It was a dark and stormy night... Nah, just kidding. SO had to work a split shift, SS had to take a nap during his time off of work otherwise he turns into the biggest little psycho ever. So, I kept SS up waiting for SO to get off of work which because of his split shift should be earlier than usual. Well, that's not how it went. Prom, bicycle race, wine tasting weekend, and the nicest weekend of the year made the restaurant SO works at SLAMMED. I mean, it was absolutely packed. I put SS to bed at just after 10 pm, way past his normal bed time, cleaned the house since SO and I have been having problems about the house being clean, and was up waiting for him to get home to spend some time with him until almost one in the morning. At 12:45 pm I finally texted SO asking if he was still at work, his reply... "No, I'm out with *His friend's name* for his brithday"... O_o.

I realize he couldn't have known I was waiting up for him, but I was still very hurt and pissed off about this. So, I went to bed. Apparently, he came home shortly after that absolutely drunk off his ass. He made a giant mess and I got to find it in the morning. Thus, what our fights about the house boil down to. I clean, he f*cks it up in usually an hour flat.

So, I was pissed the morning because of the mess then BS7m wakes up at 6 am and I get up with him. SS wakes up about 7 am, where's SO? Asleep... Of course. We don't own a washer and dryer so I wake him up, he sits up, looks at me, smiles and I tell him I'm going to put a load in at my mom's house does he want me to take BS with me? No, he tells me, leave him here. I assume he's going to get up, and I leave. I got coffee for the both of us and return him.

A**hat didn't wake up at ALL! SS had gotten into SO's tattoo kit, shaving cream, body lotion, shower gel, and our important documents binder.


Then, my sister drops off her daughter which I begrudgingly agreed to watch because we had plans to go out to SO's parents house for the day. My sister PROMISED to be back at 11-ish, noon at the very latest. My niece and SS are not a good age distance apart, they CONSTANTLY pick at each other. So, I'm playing referee, dealing with BS, and STILL trying to get SO out of bed to clean up the messes that he made either last night or because he couldn't be bothered to get out of bed to watch SS.

SO got up at 8:30 am, lo and behold drinking large amounts of alcohol (7 long island ice teas, ordering them two at a time) causes hang overs! Who would have thought!? He gets absolutely no sympathy from me. But he tries to justify his actions, by 10 am we aren't speaking to each other... By 11 am I have had a complete mental break down. Sobbing uncontrollably and pretty much just contemplating how my life has become such a sh*t hole.

By noon, my sister is no where to be found. Tried calling her phone, tried texting her, so I finally called her mil who she was supposed to be riding with. MIL says they're going to be another 30 minutes, at least. SO's parents live 20 miles outside of town and we have to swap SS at 5 pm. I tell my sister she needs to figure out something else, we are already late.

My sister calls our mom, our mom can take her... But she doesn't have a car seat. We only have one car seat that can fit SS and my niece. So, I get to drive to my mom's friend's house, which I'm pretty sure she's almost like their third, and drive back home. Then, we finally get out to SO's parents house.

The day starts turning up but because of the beginning of the day I just cannot be bothered to care about much. SS's freaking out because he can't go down with his Grandpa RIGHT THAT SECOND, totally do not give a f*ck. Let him freak out, it ain't gonna make it go any faster! So, about 4:30 pm, we leave their house and start heading back to drop SS off to Moby. Whether it's the heat, the day, or the lack of sleep I don't know but those 20 miles are good for thinking.

By the time we get to our swapping point I have SO turn up Puke by Eminem when we see Moby. I don't know how many on here know the song, but if you don't like someone it's fabulous. Basically, he made an extremely graphic song about how his ex wife makes him sick. SO used to answer the phone and just let this song play when Moby would be blowing up his phone. To say the least, she HATES this song. Another big issue we have is clothes. CLOTHES! She insists we send him in only her clothes. That'd be fine, but he's not fully potty trained so he still has quite a few accidents. I don't know about you but I refuse to send a kid back in piss soaked clothes. A few times now SO has sent him in our clothes with a plastic bag that has his pee clothes in it. Again, this would be fine if she RETURNED the clothes. She doesn't. So now we're down about 5 pairs of pants and underwear. We make fairly good money but that doesn't make me want to hand over all our clothes to her.

Today I told her if she sends him in our clothes, we'll send him in her clothes on the short days. The look on her face made me just absolutely bust up laughing. She looked so surprised and disgusted that I dared speak to her it made it wonderful. Usually, I refuse to even make eye contact because her whole being disgusts me. But today I even made a demand of her. PRICELESS.

I'm just really sick of being on the reactive end. I'm smart enough to make subtle jabs to purposely piss her off. Some may call it PAS but I don't agree. I don't make the comments to SS or even make them blatantly obvious as being mean. Sometimes, I just want to be on the offensive and offend her!


misskiya's picture

Ugh those days! I am so sorry the day was so difficult. If it's any consolation though, I love love love your title.

Sounds like you need to take a day for yourself. Far away. With shopping...and sweets. mmmm sweets.