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BM made her bed and now she has to lay in it...ha!

lastchance's picture

So we haven't 'heard' from BM in about 6-7 weeks, since she and I 'got into it'. She goaded me. Making all kinds of rude and derogatory comments about my DH. I got all 'mama bear' and I am ashamed to admit that I sunk to her level.

Just so you know...this is the 'level' I sunk too: My exact words were "you say that DH isn't a good role model for SD, but you certainly are not. you are 22 and have had four children with four different men and are now cheating on YOUR husband while he is deployed. where I come from, we don't call that a good 'role model'. we call that a whore" (see, not proud but soooooo satisfying) She proceeded to tell me that she hoped all of her kids turned out exactly like her and yadda yadda yadda. I got a grip on myself and ignored her from then on and haven't heard from her since.

Well, I found out yesterday that her 'husband' (who is in the process of divorcing her but it's a slow process I guess since he's overseas), has cut her off from his bank account. He was previously allowing her to withdraw $1200 a month 'for the kids', but is stopping that due to her continued lies and manipulation until there is a court order in place. As mentioned before, only one of the kids is 'his', but he was paying for all but my SD.

DH and I discussed this last night and were waiting for BM to come waltzing back into the picture under the false pretense that it was for SD. Lo and behold, I get a text from her TODAY that says "tell DH that SD is starting kindergarten today please"

I can almost guarantee that she will be hitting us up for more money within the week. It is sad, but she is so predictable. If one cash cow doesn't pay out, lets try another. Unfortunately for her, that bridge has been burned and we are not an ATM. So ha ha ha to you BM. Maybe try getting a job for once!


lastchance's picture

Fortunately for our BM (and for the kids because BM is U.G.L.Y) ALL of her kids look exactly like their father's. No trouble establishing paternity there. Just find the guy the kid looks like and that's your 'winner'.