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Updates- skids and biomom, DH and annoyance

Last-Wife's picture

First, I'm feeling pissy today. We're FINALLY having birthday cake for Gibby. He turned 9 ten days ago, but due to work and family illness, today is the first chance we've all had to be together- us and grandparents. Princess has decided the party should be a last get together with her grandparents before she goes to college. She also has invited her boyfriend and 2 friends over. She did this without consulting her dad or me.

I called my MIL and asked them to show up an hour earlier than originally planned. I'm sorry. I don't want her friends to be here when we celebrate Gibby's birthday. That just seemed so selfish of her. Rather than start a fight, I just changed plans slightly.

Other updates:
1. Loghead pulled a muscle in his back on the job site last week. The medicine he has for pain makes him really loopy. And very lovey! He gushed and gushed sweet, romantic things all morning! He even said he knows these are things he should say everyday, but sometimes men just forget! I've decided he needs to take that medicine at least once a week....

2. PITA turned 16. he passed his driver's test and is licensed. Of course, he wants to drive EVERYWHERE, but he's being really helpful in or order to get what he wants.

3. Princess moves into the dorm in 13 days. it can't come soon enough. I promise, I won't miss her until at least October. She is honestly getting on my last nerve! My tongue has become sore from biting it to keep from saying what i really think right now... I'm just trying to avoid any arguments with her.

4. I guess whatever procedure Loca Grande had yesterday went okay. Princess and Lazy Boye both talked to her before and after the procedure. For some reason, she was admitted to the hospital and stayed over night, but Princess said this morning that the doctors told Loca Grande that everything seemed fine. So she told the kids she thought it was cancer, and it's nothing. Been down that road before. Probably won't be the last time either. I will try harder in the future not to let her drama affect my life.

I'm just feeling annoyed. I spent half the day cleaning up for the inlaws to come over and doing school work. Princess was a pain in the patootie. Due to the findings at the doctor last week, we have limited Gibby's tv watching even more, so he's bored and driving me crazy. Lazy Boye had a day that reminded me of when he was 8, before we got his ADHD under control. he was bouncing off the walls, crazy, loud and annoying... And my "girl stuff" has last 3 days longer than it usually does.

So I'm annoyed. I did all this work, and all these people are coming over so it will just mess the house again, for me to clean it all over again. And to top it off, I have to go by my work tomorrow to pick up some new text books we will be using this school year and I have 2 weeks to totally revamp my curriculum. Yea, me.

And I know it's totally stupid to be complaining about these things. My updates are good ones. But sometimes, girl hormones take over, and ya just can't think straight. And it's one of those days for me...
