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Bad just went to worse..Wanting advice, thoughts, ideas...ect...

LaMareOssa's picture

So, As I have blogged about before, BM is suppose to be on an 18 month probation for Malicious Mischief, which was recently violated...

She was arrested and spent the night in jail for her most recent "melt down." She went off on her parents. Hasn't she ever heard the saying "Don't bite the hand that feeds you"? Obviously not. Parents finally..finally grew some balls and finally called the cops on her for her psychotic behavior. They kicked her out of their house, shut off her phone and took her van. Now, she is homeless and so are her three children. SD being one of the three. She is staying at someones house..Right Down The Street From US! SD came over lastnight and was very reluctant to tell DH anything, but she knows she can't lie to him. She told him the short version. "Mom got kicked out by gramma and papa. We're staying with one of moms friends. Mom doesn't take me to school..some lady does. Mom doesn't pick me up, her boyfriend does."

Reality of this: BM is homeless. Kids are homeless. BM refuses to work. BM has no transportation of her own. BM has not been helping SD with home work or making her bathe. DH had SD get in the shower for her two hour visit lastnight because she couldn't remember the last time she bathed! SD is sleeping on someones floor. BM has violated probation. She has a court date for the violation in June. I have a feeling she WIL be going to jil for this one.

DH was going to file for an Emergency Ex Parte order this morning, but since the wording of it basically says "protection order" that isn't needed. DH has contacted a lawyer -FINALLY- But, lawyer is very busy.

Anyone have experience with getting temp. custody modification??? SD needs to be out of that situation ASAP. DH tried telling BM its not normal and that we have her own room and her own bed here. BM refuses to give up SD.

So, I would love all of your advice, thoughts..anything while we wait for the lawyer to call DH back.

Thank you Smile


VioletsareBlue's picture

We did an emergency custody revision but it took a month to get a court date. Yours sounds much more urgent. I hope you can get her in your house TODAY. Call social services?