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This skeeves me out

Lalena75's picture

SO's kids randomly tell me their grandpa video tapes them getting in trouble, getting spankings SD says he sends them to people, as says he makes them watch how bad they are. Its the sending them that bothers me most but SO talked to them same story and he texts BM about it in kinda a wtf. She tells him his text is so stupid she refuses to respond and why would he ever think its wrote he can't tell her what to do blah nlah blah. I left when he was texting her about her sex offender dating history and current ex felon bf. I've shown my kids video of their temper tantrums when they were like 3 never a punishment or spanking that's skeevy.


Onefootout's picture

Agreed. SO shouldn't let Grandpa anywhere near them. Welcome to crazy land. Yuck.

Anne Boleyn's picture

That's what I was thinking when I first skimmed this. But then I realized he's taping the punishment? That is effed up.

Lalena75's picture

I reported while SO was asking the kids about it. I don't have any qualms reporting things lime that and its not the first time I've had to. This will be the fourth report on her or her home in a year one other by SO and I one from a doc and one from a neighbor. All unfounded. Ugh