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Update to "I made SO leave"

Lalena75's picture

CPS came here and got the kids because "they should of been given to the grandparents last night" I so spit out "you do realize I have them because their grandpa has been beating ss with a belt, and their mother lives there with the grandparents" He said he didn't know she lived there and the "beatings" would be looked into after the investigators talk to the 3 kids. SO doesn't have 3 kids he has his two BM has a 3rd shes 13 haven't seen her since Christmas 2011 when she stole from us after spending the night AFTER BM had threatened to say SO molested her. So this is that bullshit from almost 3 years ago and when we called BM out to call the cops then she didn't. Since he hasn't seen this kid, and I was able to tell the investigator BM has made these threats we should still have copies of the texts (I will be furious if SO lost them)and that BM has had several cases we believe a doctor and her neighbors called in. I'm going to beat me a lying bitch, and her lying bitch kid too.


LaLaLaaa's picture

So still don't know what your SO is being investigated for!? I was thinking of you and I hope this all clears fast and u can get a RO against this B*tch BM!!!

Lalena75's picture

I had to turn the kids over to go with thier grandmother back to their (BM, grandparents and kids)place. We do have the texts! We have all SO's journals and my calendar of all BM's stupidity, he kept copies of everything since the begining (omg he listened to me!)He even has the filing he made for temporary emergency custody and one of his reasons was BM's threats to make false allegations. We have a video of her screaming and cursing at SO in front of the kids, copies of her and her bf's criminal records. All the things SO used in court (hence why BM who had a rocking lawyer and SO pro se still got joint with he as primary)
But we still don't know the actual accusations. Since BM 2-3 years ago threatened to have her oldest (then 10) write a letter saying he molested her and we told her please call the cops then and cps she didn't even then sent the kid to stay with us over nite AFTER she said that (I let her as #1 I was told that doing so would look bad on BM IF she made accusations, #2 the kid told us a few gems, but then the kid stole from us and I banned her forever). We're betting that's whats up, especially since the cps investigator said they had to "interview the three children". SO also just filed for cs, and BM likes to with hold the kids on their birthdays (ss's is next week)SO is calling a lawyer tomorrow (we have 0$ like nothing and I'm about to lose my house) but he needs a lawyer false accusations are serious business. Then he's suing her for knowingly falsifying. SO is to call the investigator tomorrow he's getting certified copies of all his filings from the courts and speaking to a family court person (idk what they are but they help with domestic violence, restraining orders etc)

twoviewpoints's picture

Lalena, I'm really sorry your going through all this. I realize you're venting and upset, but if it is possible to edit your last sentence in your posting IMO I would do so. Being what's going on it could be an item possibly tracked down and used against you. If your BM is so desperate to make trouble and false claims she could be capable of finding where you are venting. you wouldn't want to give the BM any ammunition to show (even untrue as I realize you are just venting here) you are/could be an issue being around kids too.

Hopefully this all gets cleared up. It's bad enough making false claims of abuse ect, but going so far as false sexual accusations , that's beyond evil.

Hugs to you.

Anon2009's picture

Lots of (((HUGS))) & prayers to you and the kids. I'm so sorry you're all going through this.

I once watched an episode of "Oprah" where CPS "investigated" an Indiana couple for child abuse. They found none. The truth? They were severely abusing their kids. In TX, CPS was notified about a sexual predator living with a bm and her girls. They did nothing. Soon after, one of the kids died. She was 4. She had injuries too gruesome to describe here. She was sexually abused. The predator is in jail for life. The bm got 20 years but could be paroled sooner.

So your so needs to have a pitbull lawyer a and stay on top of these folks. I don't mention these stories to hurt you. I do so to emphasize that he really needs to stay on top of this and to acknowledge that CPS has failed kids.

I hope your sks bm, her folks and these screwy CPS employees are forced to live in exile on some deserted island without food or water.

misSTEP's picture

I am so sorry that your family is going through this. Especially right before Christmas. You cannot convince me EVER that the BM didn't do some false accusations just because she is pissed about being held financially accountable for her own children.
