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Doesn't matter it's in the past

Lalena75's picture

I liked the monkey's so I got my own. I will never forget the day I went off on exH for his cheating and he F'n quoted the lion king to me. SO recently was going on about BM and foolish choices and never wanting to be so naive, again and apologizing to me that he ever married her (I haven't complained about his previous choice of spouse) so I said to him "It doesn't matter it's in the past." I can't hold his choice of who he married over his head how would that be fair after all I married my exH and that in the end wasn't any good for me other than the great kids I have. I know others who feel different to each their own and everyone's situation is just that their own. Maybe the day will come and I'll change my tune but for the moment, his past doesn't define him just like mines doesn't me.