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Really DF, is common courtesy too much to ask?

lady_of_the_house's picture

So here's another current event that has happened (last night), and I'd like to get some feedback on it - this seems to be happening more and more often in my house. SD is with BM this week, so this is entirely a DF vent.

DF works in sales, and his position often requires him to work irregular hours, late hours, and also to entertain clients. I have no issue with this any of this and do everything I can to accomodate his constantly changing schedule. Yesterday morning DF told me he had a meeting planned for the afternoon, and might be late getting home from work. I asked him if I should plan to make dinner, DF said he thought he would be home in time, and we would touch base later in the day to confirm that. Okay, so far so good.

I heard from DF again in the early afternoon, when he told me he WOULD be home for dinner, and we discussed what I would be making (which of course required me to stop at the grocery store on the way home). When I was at the grocery store I received another call from DF, informing me that he and the client had decided they were going to go out to dinner after all. Still no problem. It would have been nice if he had let me know BEFORE I made a special trip to the store because he had requested a specific side dish, but at least I hadn't started cooking yet, we will now have said side dish available in the pantry, and I had to pick up a couple of other things anyway. This was at 5:30, and DF told me he would be home in a couple hours, which he knows (thanks to previous discussions we've had about this issue) to me means two or three, max.

Apparently DF and the client ended up going out after dinner, because around 9:00 he texted me a picture of the drink he was having. No mention of the fact that it was already past the "couple hour" mark, and no indication of when he would be home. At 10:30 I went to bed - still no DF. At 11:30 I received another text from DF, suggesting what he would like to do to me (sexually) when he got home. Now I'm starting to get ticked, because that text woke me up, it was now at least 3 hours past the time that he told me he would be home, AND he seemed to be operating under the misguided notion that I should be awake and eagerly waiting to satisfy him when he did decide to roll in the door. Keep in mind of course that my schedule does not allow the flexibility that DF has (which we have also discussed previously), and I have to get up at 6a.m. for work.

DF got home, drunk, just after 1a.m. I was still awake since I had never fallen back asleep after the 11:30 text. DF could tell I was pissed, and asked what was wrong. I told him that while I understood that part of his job responsibility is to entertain clients, I would like him to have some respect for ME by letting me know that he will be late, keeping in mind that I am a VERY light sleeper and despite the fact that his work day won't be starting today until 10a.m., mine still starts at 7.

DF is now mad at ME and said that he already has a mother, and he doesn't need another one. WTF??? How is expecting your significant other to NOTIFY you when he is going to be almost six hours late unreasonable? It's COMMON COURTESY!!! Am I wrong? Guys, please feel free to chime in here!!!


jadedprincess's picture

i would do the same thing to him. i already told my husband that i am a firm beliver of an eye for an eye.

lady_of_the_house's picture

I keep telling myself I need to do that, but honestly I'm just not GOOD at being so blatantly rude! If I'm going to be 10 minutes late because I'm stuck in traffic, I make sure I CALL and let the person who is expecting me know!

I have SET OUT to do it a couple of times, and have even made it so far as to not answer my phone when he calls wanting to know where I am and why I'm late. Unfortunately he has the ultimate weapon in his arsenal, which is SD, and if I don't answer his calls then he has SD call me - because he knows I won't ignore HER ever! Obviously I could stop answering her calls as well, but I don't want to put her in the line of fire, and how is hurting HER going to teach him a lesson?

lady_of_the_house's picture

I agree that it's unprofessional, but apparently in his industry it's the norm. Personally I think these "clients" are just looking for a night on the town on someone else's dime, and I hate that he allows them to have it. But whatever, not my call.

The thing is that I was already up - and even when I'm ticked off I'm still very inclined to be interested in the almighty penis. If he would have just come in and said ANYTHING along the lines of I'm sorry, I should have called, I should have texted, I lost track of time...... ANYTHING besides "well what have you got to be pissed about?" it would have been a non-issue! We would have done whatever, gone to sleep, and this morning I would have nicely reminded him AGAIN to please let me know when he's going to be late so I don't worry. End of discussion.

But now he needs to be pissed off, which of course absolutely INFURIATES me (what the HELL does HE have to be pissed about???), and this will end up spiraling and probably drag on for days, when it all could have been avoided with a simple text that saying "gonna be late", or at a minimum "oops I screwed up"!!!

lady_of_the_house's picture

HAHAHA I love where your head is at!!!

I read about various types of "disengaging" all of the time on the site - another thing I've never been good at..... sigh.......

momagainfor4's picture

If he doesn't need another mom then he should not act like a 16 year old then should he??
Yes, it is common courtesy. And the real reason he is mad is bc you called him out on his bs.

I certainly would not be happy with someone who constantly disrespects me by his actions. You can say all the right words... but actions. Yes, those actions speak volumes. He needs a come to jesus talk.

lady_of_the_house's picture

He will get his come to jesus talk when this comes up in counseling tonight. He's a fool for screwing up so close to our appointment when the details will be fresh in my mind!

Elizabeth's picture

I agree with you that he was in the wrong. It's just common courtesy to keep someone who you "love" informed as to your whereabouts. DH pulled that on me recently, and frankly I still haven't gotten over it.

DH decided to build SD18 a custom loft bed for her dorm room because the regular bed and any other loft you could purchase wasn't good enough. Then he decided to drive to her college on a work night to install it. OK, leave work at 5 pm, drive 1.5 hours. Install said loft bed (which shouldn't take more than an hour). drive 1.5 hours home. That would get him home at, what, 9 pm?

DH came rolling in at freaking 3 in the morning! Claimed it took him longer than he thought to install the damn bed. WTH?! So it took you 7 hours to install? I highly doubt that. I KNOW what happened is that he took SD18 out to dinner, etc. What I don't understand is WHY he was so late home. Most dorms have curfews, like nobody can be in there after midnight. Which would have meant, even if they kicked him out them, he would have been home by 1:30.

As you can tell, still pissed. But I didn't even bother to bring it up to him because it doesn't do a damn bit of good.

lady_of_the_house's picture

Ugh!!! Sounds like what my life will be like in 9 or so years!

In your DH's defense, loft beds are apparently INCREDIBLY complicated to assemble, and I know this because DF recently spent the better part of THREE DAYS putting SD's together, after she demanded that she MUST have one. And guess what. Now she isn't even sure if she likes it, and might want to try something else instead.


Elizabeth's picture

Well, maybe the difference is DH built this bed (custom made, remember) and put in bolts, so it only took removal of like two bolts to disassemble and reassemble. So he can't fall back on the difficult excuse.

lady_of_the_house's picture

Yeah DF paid for hers. $2,400, for a bed for a 9 year old, when she's had her last bed (the princess canopy that she HAD to have) less than 2 years, and he had just bought her ANOTHER new bed approximately two years prior to that because he had to replace the furniture BM got in the divorce. Also consider that our own bed didn't cost that much!!!

Then, a few days later when I mentioned that I would like to get some new dishes for the kitchen (on sale, $79 for service for 12 plus completer pieces - pretty damn good deal if you ask me!!!) I was told that maybe I should hold off on that because "WE" really needed to do a better job with "OUR" budget. Yeah okay DF...... and "THIS" is why "WE" will never have a joint account!