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Where do teenagers brains go?

Goincrazy40's picture

My DH decided it would be a great idea to let SS14 go with his little GF to her sister's dance competition today. DH is out of town for the week, so I am lucky to get to be in charge of skids.

SS just came through the door at 11:30 pm. He never texted me with when he thought he might arrive home. He never answered my text when I asked. Then I said well, I'm unlocking the front door. Don't ring the doorbell your sister is asleep. Now I have to get up before skids and get ready because I need to leave the minute they get on the bus. I would have preferred to be asleep an hour ago but no - I get to sit up and wait for him.

11:30 pm and the jerk kid rings the doorbell six times fast! Omg. He never even looks to see if the door is open. Moron. I have to go open the door. I said SS! Why would you do that? He said something stupid about not wanting to open the garage door ... Which no one can hear the whole way upstairs. Then I said why didn't you text me like your father asked, or answer my texts? Uh, sorry, I never looked at
My phone. BS. These kids live on their phones. I wanted to choke him.

I just sighed and told him to get to bed. SMH.

Thanks DH as usual, for leaving me to deal with your bullshit.


belle_27's picture

Yep...... We deal with this all the time!!!!!! Our step kids who are 12 & 14 LIVE on there mobile phones and then They lie to your face and pretend they didn't get your message. God if my parents tried to contact me and I didn't respond my life wouldn't be worth living!

They really do just loss there mind, and really respect and care.

It's disrespectful to the max but they know my DH will turn a blind eye anyway.. Grrrrrrr

FTMandSM's picture

I would have said give me your phone. Since you aren't using it, you don't need it.