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Lady Danger's Blog

Bill Burr - You People are all the Same

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Ok SM's!!

If you want a bang-on perspective of truth when it comes to BM's and their gold digging antics, watch Bill Burr's stand up with your man. It's on Netflix.

It has a GREAT segment on what it's like to be a man and how fucking EVIL women can be, demanding shit that's not theirs and entitlement surrounding divorce settlements. Being a self-sufficient woman myself and having to watch DH go through his shit with the gold-digging whore of an ex, his stand up made me laff out LOUD as he depicted her perfectly (complete with Dorito-dusted cleavage).

"Me want to go pee"

Lady Danger's picture

.... seriously?

The nearly-8 year old SS woke us up this morning with that line.

OK? Go then? we didn't move the bathroom since you went to bed last night.

And what nearly-8 year old talks like that????? Come on. He just wants daddy to come with him and hold his helpless little hand. Sigh. Such bonding.

Shitty Sunday

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Ugh. This weekend was the weekend with SS7. He's been unbearably whiny all day and doing his usual sucky wimpy helpless baby act to get attention. Instead of falling victim to it, I ignore him until he acts his age but daddy always gives in - which has caused an obvious shift in dynamic. SS knows he can play daddy and also be the victim to "LD's mean behavior" which pits daddy and son against me.


Lady Danger's picture

Ok follow me on this one - last night I ended up at the same pub as BM's sisters ex. Follow?? I know it's convoluted. BUT. He told me what I've been feeling for years. - that BM's family is nuttier than squirrel shit and he saw the same drama and BS that I have been seeing since day one.

Is it funny that I get validation from someone other than DH? Yes. DH is a douchebag who has pinned all blended family drama on me, and made me feel crazy for bringing up concerns, citing my "insecurity and baggage" as the cause.

Honest answers please....

Lady Danger's picture

Hey all you step mothers. I need some real life advice. Hypothetically: if you and husband/significant other/spouse broke up... Would you consider dating someone with kids again? Knowing what you know now, and having experienced what you've been through, would you think it's worth it again?

Relationships between BM & inlaws - help

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Ok guys,

This probably comes off as such a petty and childish concern, but from all you other Stepmoms I'd really like some advice.

My inlaws and I don't get along - MIL and 2xSILs in particular. It has alot to do with the walls I threw up years ago to get some privacy from their constant input, helicopter parenting and passive-aggresive put downs in my life. I was pretty severe and quick tempered when it came to creating some much needed distance between us.

Badmouthing aboud Skids

Lady Danger's picture

Just wondering if any of you have badmouthed your stepkids to your spouse? I have gotten so angry in the past I've told DH that his SS7 is a little shit... and DH doesn't much appreciate (obviously).

I ask because I am childfree and don't have kids that he can attack if we start throwing insults. I think it bothers him on some level, even if his kid is being a little shit.

How would you cope!!??

Lady Danger's picture

When DH & BM separated, BM moved 6 hours away to her hometown and took SS with her. IT was agreed they would share custody until he started school, then his primary res would be with her and DH has "open and fair access to SS". SS plays sports in the community he moved to and BM wants to believe it's half of DH's responsibility to take SS to these sports practices.

First blog post!

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I have been with my fiancee for the past 3 years, engaged for 1.5. He has a 7 year old son, who lives 6 hrs away with BM. BM and "DH" (for the sake of argument) dated for 3 mos before she got pregnant, which she claims was a mistake but I am certain she did it for the money. BM is a nightmare, comes from nothing, money hungry, demanding, inflexible, expectant, etc. Anyways along comes SS and they marry & divorce in 11 mos when SS is 2.
