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One Year Later

la_dulce_vida's picture

I made it!! But there was no question that I would.

One year of being single and celibate. I like it so much, I'll be signing on for at least another year.

The last week or two has seen some emotions, moods and rumination bubbling to the surface, but it's been getting better every day.

I often pause in my HOME (Home being the thing I craved most this time last year) to look around me and I see my things, my treasures, my cats sleeping or playing, and look at the mountains in Virginia and West Virginia (not the best view, but I can see them)  - it makes me so happy. It really brings me a lot of joy to have this house and this time to enjoy it...............alone.

I climb into bed each night (the most comfortable bed ever) and my little boy cat comes right up and lays on the pillow next to me, most nights. He'll often reach out a paw to touch me. He looks at me with more love than any man ever has, but I do need to talk to him about his breath. LOL Sometimes his sister will be on the pillow next to me, but my little furry man is most reliably the one beside me as I'm falling asleep.

I've made some headway in clearing out the house. My two eldest have been stopping by to get their stuff. DD31's stuff is 99.9% gone. My DS 34 has at least one more car load to remove from my house. I'll be cleaning and rearranging the basement with the rest of my stuff, while also making way for someone to come insulate under the first floor of my house. My lovely house has a birthday this year: 100 years old. The basement is not "conditioned" and the insulation under the first floor is paltry at best. It makes for a rather frigid experience when sitting on the first floor of the house. Brrrr.

Once things warm up a little bit, I'll be working on getting some front porch floorboards replaced, and repainting the front porch. I have some landscaping to do, maybe a little paint, and other odds and ends. I'll also need to repaint the basement floor as the moisture has caused some paint to come up. All in all, it shouldn't be much to do between now and September when I hope to list the house (or win the lottery so I can stay a bit longer in this cute little town nestled in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains.

One thing I probably mentioned in my last post is that I'm BACK to cooking the dishes I used to make for my ex. I now make them for me and my dear friends.

Last night, I made something new: spanikopita. I LOVE Greek spinach pie, and am attending a party tonight with my kayaking pals where I was tasked with providing a green salad. Six people bringing green salads? Well, you know I'm going to put my "green salad" in between some buttery phyllo dough!! Hell yeah!

I'm picking up a lot of extra shifts at my part time job, and I'm getting a wee bit burned out, so I'm starting to decline extra shifts here and there. I still really love the job.

I signed up for a double tomorrow: 7am to 11pm. But I get to work in two different units and see all my "kids."

Monday, I'll be throwing myself into getting back in the gym, changing up my eating habits and refocusing. I've kinda let myself slack off a little in the last two weeks as I was grappling with the approaching anniversary of my breakup. I'm so over all of it, I'm ready to shift my focus onto my 2025 goals in earnest.

Also, very good news: My DS28 starts his floor tech training program on Monday and was approved for specialized transportation (a bus directly to and from his training). His father, DS34 and I will take shifts to be "on call" should his transportation fall through somehow. The program lasts for 3 months, and if he does well, I hope and pray he will find suitable employment.

It's been a good year, and I'm so proud of how I navigated my grief and healing, and so many of you were a key part of helping me along the way. Thank you!!


Harry's picture

You had the guts to do what most of us should have done,   You are my hero. You got out 

la_dulce_vida's picture

Aww, thanks Harry. You have no idea what that means. Thank you for being bold enough to say hard things. Smile

thinkthrice's picture

Sounds like you are living your best life.   Is your basement full or a crawlspace?  There is a Dap 812 sprayfoam that you can use to insulate your rim joists.  I bought two cases for the rentals.   For extra R value you can add pieces of pink fiberglass over the sprayfoam.   Lots of youtube vids on it.


la_dulce_vida's picture

It's a full basement (not crawl space) that probably started out as a root cellar, but someone poured cement to finish the floor. The HVAC is in the basement but there are no vents to the basement. It's got a weird wooden (uninsulated) door that leads under the front porch that's drafty as hell, as is the wood door on the side of the house. Cold air infiltrates - no insulation on the stone foundation walls and a really crappy insulation job done in the floor joists. I'm getting estimates to properly insulate between the spaces. It is super chilly on the 1st floor.

Elea's picture

I always enjoy reading your stories "from the other side" of stephell. Your life sounds pretty appealing. I miss having cats but we have a big, wonderful dog but she's is a handful and she is all I can handle rn.

We also live in an older house that takes never ending upkeep. One day we may find something easier to maintain but it's so pretty where we are that it's hard to decide if we really want to leave.

DH and I are about to go out for a hike in the hils to enjoy the views and this balmy weather. Happy Weekend!

la_dulce_vida's picture

Your hike sounds lovely, but I wouldn't call the weather where I am balmy. It's funny when 33 degrees seems warm after a handful of bitter cold days.

Have fun and thank you!!


la_dulce_vida's picture

Thank you. It really is priceless. I wish I had learned to value peace and serenity a lot sooner. I won't squander this.

Trudie's picture

It warms my heart to read about good things on this site...blessings to you!

Rags's picture

Recovery after a break up.  That journey is an individual one that only you can define and navigate.  I chose to navigate that journey very actively. I worked my butt off, mountain biked my way back to  being a svelte 26yo young man, washboard stomach (I miss those days), and I dated. I also sold my company and went back to school full time, 1200 miles to my favorite State, and .... ended up meeting the love of my life.  And... I dated like a fiend for a few years starting the night of the day my then not yet XW moved out of our home.

You do you, and enjoy living your best life.  It will unfold as you navigate living in the day focusing on the future.

la_dulce_vida's picture

2024 was the year to grieve and stay ridiculously busy to process the loss.

2025 is the year I go a little slower while I heal and grow.


Aniki-Moderator's picture

I love reading your updates! It's inspiring to read about you growing comfortable and content in your own skin. <3

CLove's picture

you sound calm and like you are truly over it. Glad to know that you have navigated this, and theres no going back.

And I LOOOOOVE Greek food. Especially the spinach pie.

Single is sounding really ideal right now.

And after my Auntie leaves to go back to Florida, I will be hitting that gymn every day, and go into discipline and traning mode. Husband is floundering a its up to me to do for me, just like you realised and understood that you need to do for you.

la_dulce_vida's picture

Yes, taking care of ourselves is something we need to do AND to teach all our children - daughters especially.

Too often, we ladies are taught to smile, be sweet and compliant. We are taught to sacrifice for the sake of others and put others before what we need or want. I think that needs to change.

The spanakopita was a big hit at the party last night. I'll definitely make it again.

I'm at peace and I am over the pain and grief of the breakup, but I'm not over my ex. It's good, though. I'm in a great place. I love him.

This quote by Rumi stands out to me: "Carry the ache gently, as though it were a fragile ember, for within it lies the warmth of love that never fades."

I know it's overdramatic, but I sometimes feel like some tragic heroine experiencing unrequited love. LOL

Rags's picture

I'm more on team don't waste your love on those who have proven themselves unworthy.

Embers sadly can reignite back into raging brush fires that wipe out entire cities. Do not risk that your own life will go up in flames when you keep blowing on some ember of unearned love for the one who has proven themselves unworthy, isn't, and inevitably never will be worthy of your love.

IMHO of course.

Better to go all in on living your best life and living it in full frontal revenge while dousing and submerging any ember deep under the surface of as much inflammable liquid of joy in your life as you can.

Take care of you, live YOUR life.

Give rose

la_dulce_vida's picture

You speak as if you can control who you love. If you can, I'm envious.

I cannot turn love off like a switch, so you're basically counseling me to be a fish that lives on dry land. I have good reason not to be with my ex, but he gave me no good reason not to love him.

We are not all the same. I did what was best for me by leaving, so I've fulfilled my duty to myself. And despite loving him still, I will do what's best for me.

Let me know if you see any evidence from my posts that I'm not doing EXACTLY what you advise. You can't, because I am doing everything right. I'm just not the kind of person who can turn love off like a light switch. I never want to be that kind of person.

Rags's picture

Wallowing in the fee fees when there is no action that earns love is sad IMHO.  I applaud that you are moving on.  I also hope that you are getting some benefit from continuing to latch on to the feelings of love.

No one gets into a partner relationship with the intent for it to ultimately be transient.  I loved my XW though when it ended I could separate the emotion from living my life instantly as I did the work to grieve, recover, and get on with my life.

My apologies for overstepping and offending you. It was never my intention.

Take care of you.

Give rose


la_dulce_vida's picture

It's not really that I'm offended. I love how straightforward, even blunt, you are. No nonsense - it's refreshing.

But your approach to moving on is very male, compartmentalized and a bit of "take no prisoners."

I was not gifted with the ability to compartmentalize my feelings. I wish it was something I could learn, but I'm a deeply feeling person and I don't know of a "compartment" that could hold my feelings. Any efforts to contain or repress my feelings is bad for my health, both physically and mentally.

My best friend is able to compartmentalize and is, on some level, more "successful" in her relationship which started before my last one and still continues. She has the ability to ignore the ways in which she feels like she's settling for less, and she is more tolerant of some behaviors from her partner.

She's happy-ish, but not as happy I am being true to myself. For her, she can't stand to be alone, so she settles for some things she probably shouldn't.

To be able to be perfectly content on my own while still loving someone a great deal is quite astonishing and new for me. There are many people walking in the world today very much in love with someone they can't be with for one reason or another. I never thought it possible, until now.

So, all I would ask for, my friend Rags, is an understanding that we are all different. What would be implausible for you, may be very do-able and healthy for someone else.

I still care for my XH1. We made 3 children together and had 26 years of marriage. My XH2 can burn in hell for all I care. Any love I felt for him was just my love reflected back to me. He's not capable of loving anyone.

My love for my XBF was true and it may take years to stop being in love with him.................but I've learned how to live with it and not let it hold me back. I hope you'll celebrate this with me even if it doesn't make sense to you.


Rags's picture

Not laughing due to the challenges and pain you are having. Just laughing at the clear description of my man brain.

I am learning.  Being enamored with the brilliant, beautiful, incredible beings that you ladies are, even a waffle brained man can learn a thing or two.

My own DW smacked me with a lesson recently. Our son is struggling with some emotional/mental illness challenges right now and our dear friend who recently divorced her asshat XDH of 30yrs is struggling with their grief and recovery two years post divorce.  Man brain that I am, "They need to just move on." did not return much engagement on these topics when DW and I are discussing them.  I have done some reading on the Toxic Victim. As it has turned out, not what I had it in my mind as.  Our dear friend, and our kid are not the toxic victims that I had thought.  They are not making excuses or blaming others. Though they are doing the same things repeatedly while apparently expecting a different result.  Life is not always conducive to major life altering moves and choices to mitigate painful events.  A waffle box I had to dust off and open up from my own past in response to DW's mentally  smacking me into clarity. 

Though I do think that there are struggles to get out of their own way as they seem to keep doing the same things over and over again day in and day out then struggle with not getting better.

When I was going through my divorce, I took that crap covered cloak off, tossed it in the gutter, and left it and everything else behind.  I sold my business, packed my stuff, and moved 1200 miles to my favorite State to change my life.  Not so hard to do when you are 26 and just divested yourself of a toxic mate and marriage.  A far different thing to deal with under different circumstances at a different stage in life.

The waffle boxes don't tough and sometimes old lessons and experiences need to purposely be dug out of the cobweb covered storage facility, opened and assessed from the perspective of the now rather than the simplicity of the then.

If that makes any sense at all.

My wife pointed out that what I was perceiving as toxic victim-hood in others looked as much or more like victim blaming and was my problem not necessarily theirs.


Bam! Hot, brilliant, amazing chick gives waffle brained DH some clarity.  Well needed clarity I might add.

Take care of you.  Your love is a priceless gift. Just keep loving yourself on your unfolding journey forward.

Give rose


CLove's picture

And I disagree that the love can be turned off. You loved the person you thought he was and thought he could become, and it just didnt happen. You are on the right pathway, I feel, from your updates and posts. Staying with us and sharing your hard-won knowledge will also keep reminding you of why you left...reaffirming it with each word and sentence of advice from experience.

la_dulce_vida's picture

Thanks CLove. I actually love the person he IS. I didn't love some of his behaviors.

He wasn't able to make the commitment he said he wanted. Maybe it was guilt over his late wife. Maybe it was because he's got an avoidant attachment style. I don't know. It doesn't matter. I needed things he couldn't give me. So I left.

It's a very new and unique experience for me to feel that ember of love while also being wildly content and at peace. I think I can finally say that I understand what it means to live in the moment, accepting things as they are without yearning or grieving.

I've heard about other people experiencing this. Literature, movies, etc. The Way We Were comes to mind. Two people madly in love, but they just couldn't make it together. They each move on to love and marry other people, but they meet on the street years later, and you can see the love is still palpable. It's just a movie and I remember thinking, "This is not possible." Guess is possible. Whodathunkit? LOLOLOL

ESMOD's picture

You sound like you have definitely gotten your own feet under you and are thriving.  It's great that you give updates.. because you give the realities.. it's not all a straight line.. it's not all hallmark movies... but living life to it's fullest is the best gift we can give to ourselves.