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Day in the life of me.

krenee86's picture

My life has become so repetitive I've become bored and depressed. This is how my week monday through sunday goes. Monday through Friday my fionce goes to work from 7:30 to 3:30 so every morning while hes gone I'm at home caring for his little 3yr old boy. SS wakes up about 8:45am every morning sometimes when I'm lucky 10:30. My guy gets home 3:40ish and then I'm off to work for 4:00pm. I only have a short shift but its tiring work I get home about 9:15pm. SS and fionce are sitting cuddling on the couch watching cartoons until about 10:15pm when daddy finally puts him to sleep. Which of course he cries for about 20mins because he doesn't want to sleep he wants to cuddle with daddy. I'm exhausted and irritated every night because this time, when SS is asleep, is the only time I have alone with fionce. I tell him that SS is awake early every morning hes only 3yrs old he needs his sleep and should be put to bed early. I asked fionce countless times to get him on a fair schedule for me. All I ask is that SS is in bed by 9 so that I have a little more time alone with him. Fionce says he doesn't like putting son to bed so early because he wants as much time as possible with him.

This irritates me even more simply because his son lives with us full time, he only sees BM every other weekend. Thats it and thats her choice not the courts. Then the weekend comes and if its the weekend we have him and I work I work the day shift which is long and strenuous I go in for 8am and come home by 3pm. When I get home fionce and step son are waiting for me on the couch ready to do whatever he feels like doing that day. If its a saturday and SS is at his BM's Fionce sleeps in until noon then doesn't get ready for the day until about 2pm. That gives us the rest of the night to have fun. Sunday comes along and I work the morning shift by the time I get home at 3pm SS is home too and I become the house maid again. "sunday is my lazy day" is what fionce says.

Is it crazy that I actually wish the BM was in the picture more? I mean don't get me wrong, I am thrilled that fionce and BM are not on speaking terms (for my sake) in fact they hate eachother but I wish that she actually cared enough to want her son more just to simply give ME a break. I ask fionce if SS can go to grandparents for an extra night just so him and I can do something fun together. Every time I want to do anything fun like going out of town or simply out to dinner he wants to include his son. Which is perfectly fine but EVERY TIME it gets a little annoying. I think I deserve a night to myself, I wish he was half as affectionate with me as he is his son. Its embarrassing sometimes when we all go out together even to simple things like grocery shopping or walking to the park. Him and his son hold hands while I'm shoved in the back behind them or walking a few paces before them.
Sometimes SS wants to hold my hand and walk too but never my fionce, not when were all together that is.

Does he not want people to think that SS is mine? I ask him and he says he doesn't care but then why doe she act that way? I don't even know what I was trying to get at with all this. Just needed to tell someone else about my boring life and see if this was normal? Fionce says this is what happens when you have kids. Maybe so but I don't have kids.. well not biologically anyways, I have his kid as a SS but its different when its not yours.


krenee86's picture

Thank you! You are very right, things could always be worse! He could be an infant, I am thankful that I didn't live with him while he was still a baby, I have only known SS since he was about 11months old I moved in with him and my fionce when SS was maybe a year and a half old. But for a while BM had him 5 days out of two weeks while we had him 9 days now she only gets him a total of 4 days a month! HER choice.

DaizyDuke's picture

Hubby and I have an 8 month old son and yes, sometimes I think my life is pretty tedious, get up at 5:30, shower, get me and baby ready, drop baby off at MIL's, go to work, get out of work at 4:30, pick up baby, go home, do laundry, dishes, bottles, dinner, play with baby, try to get a walk in with baby, bathtime with baby, maybe a little more play time, then bed for baby and about an hour later bed for me, repeat Monday-Friday. Weekends we try to visit friends, get groceries, maybe do something fun with the three of us. Then back to work Monday. Throw the Skids in the mix whenever they happen to be there and life can seem boring and repetitive.

BUT, I think the difference is I don't really mind it because it is MY son that I am doing all of this for/with. I promise you if I had to do all of this for my Skids, I would be resentful. It's been said many times by many people on this board that it is very difficult to feel that bond with Skids that you feel with a bio child... it is just not the same, apples to oranges.

I really don't do much for the Skids, I leave it ALL to hubby when they are there. I don't pick up after them, (I will do their laundry as I am doing it anyway for the rest of us), I don't do their dishes, if they are there on a school night, hubby gets them up, gets them breakfast, and takes them to school. Hubby is pretty good about making them HIS responsibility and I think that's how it should be, I am not the maid and I am not their mother. Again I just don't feel that bond with them that I even want to do things for them. They are basically just "kids" visiting a day or so a week. Shoot me for being honest, but that's how I feel. And I can see how you have become resentful playing "mom" to your SS.

krenee86's picture

I wish my fionce was able to do more for his own son but all morning while hes gone I'm the one caring for SS. Then when he gets out of work I'm STILL the only one who picks up after him and gets him his snacks and what not, change his diapers because well Fionce isn't the one potty training him I am! hes not 3 yet but will be in a few months! I don't think its fair that I'm the one potty training HIS son.

Timetogiveup's picture

I wish BM was in the picture more too. My SS is now 16, I met him when he was 7 or 8. I can't remember a Christmas or Thanksgiving he spend with his BM. In fact, I can't remember any 3 day holiday weekend he spent with BM. SInce Feb, he has only stayed at BM's house 3 times and seen her for lunch once. I know they talk on the phone, because I hear "mom thinks YOU should do.....". She makes it clear that "the little brat ruins her life". I didn't have kids by choice and this is a major issue for me because this kid is ruining my life.

krenee86's picture

Thats how I feel as well sometimes! I feel like SS is ruining my life! but then whenever I talk about this to my friends all they say is "you CHOSE to date a guy who has a child" or "your still young! leave him!" its not that simple. Obviously I chose to be with my fionce for a reason, I love him I just wish I had a little less responsibility for his son.

krenee86's picture

You are so right and I feel rediculous that it only now after reading your opinion did it occur to me. There really is nothing wrong with his son, he is actually quite an angel when its just me and him. He listens to me and respects my authority, where-as when his daddy gets home he screams and cries and walks ALL over his dad. My fionce doesn't punish his son in any way other than empty threats.
I think I really do have a lot to think about. I actually do really like his child and care about him and I know he feels the same about me, even though hes only three. I guess all my issues do stem from fionce. I find it unfair the way SS gets all the attention and me none. But thats not the kids fault its his. You are right and I can't believe it took me this long to realize.
Thank you.