Huge change
Just to let everyone know, I had Lasik surgery yesterday. Everything went fine. Still recovering, but this way I get a four day weekend!
So since July of last year, I have lost 22 lbs and had the eye surgery. Don't know if I look any better yet because I can't see, but people tell me I do!
- klinder180's blog
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thats wonderful
Be happy and enjoy life without glasses. Now you can buy those super cute sunglasses and look hot!
I was wondering the same
I have one bad eye as far as distance vision and it would be so great not to have to worry about contact lenses anymore. However, my near vision is getting worse by the minute (seems that way sometimes) and I now wear bifocals. They do have contacts with bifocals but they are expensive, very heavy and I would think they would be too uncomfortable for me to wear.
Kevin, glad to hear it went well for you. Just watch out for that dry eye...I hear that is a big side effect from lasik surgery.
My doctor was great
He started off telling me one eye was lower than the other; that since I had brown eyes it was hard to see the pupils; that the eyes were really thick -- then yesterday he told me I have thick eyebrows and really deep set eyes and I was his "only problem patient Thursday."
I said "Gee thanks Doc and he laughed."
He really is a good doctor and he told me that since I am 42 I would probably have eventually needed reading glasses. I think I remember the video saying the procedure might not work if you needed bifocals. Not really sure though.
This was the third doctor I went to for an evaluation. I really liked him and he had a good manner and was very, very well recommended. So far it has been nice waking up and seeing everything.
I have already purchased the shades since a lot of time the glare right after surgery isn't very comfortable.